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1 Replies and 6925 Views Aiden Curran's article on busking.  6925  1 Started by  vapourmile Like a lot of amateur writers Aiden's blog on the matters starts ok, and once he's warmed to the task he just goes through some stream of conciousness rubbish based on his opinion of what other's opinion is. Yes, busking is less salutary than many professional music forms. But arguably, it causes far less wide reaching environmental damage than is indirectly being caused by individuals working in many other industries. Many things in our society receive social sanction by mere majority opinio...
1 6925
by  TenishaJump to last post
7/16/2012 4:54 AM
12 Replies and 6724 Views Cork Airport- petition to rename Rory Gallagher Airport  6724  12 Started by  mutch2 http://www.PetitionOnline.com/RoryCork/
12 6724
by  Peter BJump to last post
2/20/2012 6:36 PM
0 Replies and 5000 Views help email suspended  5000  0 Started by  belleangele Sorry I know this isn't the place for it but I cant seem to get through to any admin at cluas and urgently need access to my email account which has been suspended since monday. help! thanks Sophia
0 5000
9/23/2011 6:40 AM
0 Replies and 4895 Views Fusion Family celebrate the release of their latest video/ single 'Dr Sadler'  4895  0 Started by  PLUG ARTISTS Just a brief note to let you know that the Dr. Sadler video is now on Vimeo and Youtube for your viewing pleasure! Watch video here: http://www.youtube.com/watchv=7mOysahdSw8 Fusion Family are hitting the studio to record their follow up single 'Last Time' with Super producer Danny Saber (Madonna/ Public Enemy/ U2/ Black Grape/ David Bowie) The single is set for a release in later in the year and the band will be popping up at various events in the meantime. A special thanks to ...
0 4895
7/4/2011 10:35 AM
0 Replies and 5501 Views Audio Mastering  5501  0 Started by  Hofer98 Audio mastering is essential in today’s day and age of excellence. It is done to make the track sound professional. The audio mastering can be attempted for correcting the tracks in terms of frequency, dynamics, width and loudness. It is also essential for enhancing the sound and making it a sweeter sounding track. How the mastering is done Mastering is done using tools that eq or compress the sound accordingly.  Besides these tools, the mastering requires a monitoring system and an acou...
0 5501
3/26/2011 2:45 AM
2 Replies and 11685 Views Crown Records?  11685  2 Started by  GAWS Hi everyone newbie here. My name is Terry, I sing and play rhythm guitar for a band called GAWS out of the Charlotte NC, USA area. We were recently contacted by Crownn records requesting a demo and view. While doing a search on yahoo about Crownn I ran across your BBS..There was someone else mentioning inquerry about Crownn also. Just wondering if anyone else knew anything about them This is the first time any label has contacted my band, so we're alittle excited, but cautious just the same.. ...
2 11685
by  brasJump to last post
3/25/2011 5:29 AM
0 Replies and 5036 Views Promoting in Ireland  5036  0 Started by  CiaraH Hey guys, I'm writing a paper on how promoter in Ireland Market their events and would love if some of you could fill in a little survey regarding how you find out about events. http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/CWJFDS3 Thanks
0 5036
3/24/2011 11:20 AM
3 Replies and 8460 Views Great Website, but it could be alot better!!  8460  3 Started by  eanna_canavan@yahoo.ie Hi guys, as you can see I'm a new member to this community. So far I can say im really impressed with the layout and the content but to be fair there is an awful lack of content here. I'm just wondering have half of the members given up on this completely I'm not here to complain about things, I just think that things could improve alot here. I'm willing to submit content whenever I can, which would probably be a gig review of an album review. Is there any way we can increase the membership to ...
3 8460
by  Shapey FiendJump to last post
3/10/2011 10:25 AM
5 Replies and 11328 Views Choice Music Prize shortlist  11328  5 Started by  aidan So, is it a foregone conclusion that Villagers will win Perhaps (and hopefully) not: 5/2 with Paddy Power at the time of writing, tight but hardly unbackable: www.paddypower.com/bet/music/choice-music-prize Still great value on other runners: Cathy Davey at 8/1 and Two Door Cinema Club at 10/1 - surely worth a punt. (I'd be happy if either of those two won. Or, basically, anyone except Villagers.) Runners and riders (10 go to post): Adebesi Shank “This is the Second Album of a Band cal...
5 11328
by  aidanJump to last post
3/4/2011 6:50 AM
3 Replies and 6714 Views Choice Music Prize: Win a full set of the albums  6714  3 Started by  admin CLUAS has just opened a competition to win the full set of albums nominated for the Choice Music Prize. You just need to predict the winner to have a chance, submit your prediciton via the competition page.
3 6714
by  gregsynnottJump to last post
2/16/2011 5:16 AM
2 Replies and 8182 Views CLUAS 2010 Writers Poll results  8182  2 Started by  aidan 'Democracy is the right of the village idiot to have his say', Lenin apparently said. On a completely unrelated note, the CLUAS writers (including self) have voted on the best albums of 2010 and the CLUAS gaffer (more of a Stalin man) has just returned the results: www.cluas.com/poll/2010/best-albums-writers.asp All reactions, fuming and cheering below. For my part: Yay - Villagers didn't top the poll: a seriously overrated album - definitely not best Irish album of the year. Nay - No...
2 8182
by  John DoeJump to last post
12/30/2010 9:18 AM
0 Replies and 5320 Views New to this forum  5320  0 Started by  sharlenelaura Hi Joined on this forum today
0 5320
12/10/2010 5:04 AM
16 Replies and 7723 Views Other Voices last night (March 19)  7723  16 Started by  starbelgrade March 21st show... Paddy Casey ; jesus, even he looks like he's pissed off with his own songs as he's singing them. The Coronas; James Blunt on speed. I thought you couldn't get away with being this s**te anymore. Apparantley I was wrong. Paul Heaton; He made a joke about his last solo album selling only 1 copy. He probably exagerrated. Dry County ; the best performance of the night. Post rock meets Radiohead, meets dance. Great use of the Roland SP-404 & SPDS sampl...
16 7723
by  eanna_canavan@yahoo.ieJump to last post
12/2/2010 1:55 PM
0 Replies and 5028 Views New PJ Harvey track  5028  0 Started by  eoghan Check out 'Written on the forehead', a track from PJ Harvey's forthcoming album Let England Shake, which will be hitting stores in February (on the Vagrant Records label). Very different to what we are used to from her: Written On The Forehead by pjharvey
0 5028
12/1/2010 7:52 AM
3 Replies and 7319 Views Live at the Marquee Acts announced, anyone going?  7319  3 Started by  eanna_canavan@yahoo.ie The acts for the 2011 live at the Marquee were announced today, hard to believe its in its seventh year already! Its taking place from June 23rd to July the first. Acts include Elton John, Christy Moore, Bell X 1, Imelda May and many more be annouced. Anyone here thinking of going
3 7319
by  aidanJump to last post
11/26/2010 2:00 PM
2 Replies and 7343 Views Sufjan's The Age of Adz and Neil Young's Le Noise...  7343  2 Started by  stephen ... is it just me or are both these records just difficult/annoying to listen toLe Noise first. I think some of the songs on there are strong - nothing too different thought. So they're given a reverb/echo treatment that's disconcerting to say the least. But I'm clearly missing something as this record is getting very strong reviews. I'd be interested in the CLUAS view.The Age of Adz is just plain bad, as far as I can tell. I'm sure it's a reflection of Sufjan's state of mind but it's a deflati...
2 7343
by  cometJump to last post
11/20/2010 9:37 AM
0 Replies and 4464 Views Intellectual property and new Internet technologies  4464  0 Started by  TBG and Studio Temple Bar Gallery & Studios presents:   Public panel discussion   Intellectual property and new Internet technologies.   Panellists : Jim Carroll (Music Journalist, The ...
0 4464
11/17/2010 4:50 AM
0 Replies and 4537 Views Georgia Wonder  4537  0 Started by  jhs123 Indie duo Georgia Wonder, aka Stephanie Grant and Julian Moore, are currently locked away in a music shop working on their album project Made In Nevada. The pair have been handed the keys to Portsmouth's long-established music shop Nevada Music where they are using the Aladdin's Cave of equipment to record their forthcoming album. The band have just released Siren, the second single from the project, which takes on a different direction to their usual material and shows how recording the albu...
0 4537
10/18/2010 12:50 AM
0 Replies and 4756 Views What is Belly Dance?  4756  0 Started by  ROWAN11 Many Belly Dance NYC professionals pronounce belly dancing is the ancient type of dance, having ancestry in all very old civilizations. Perhaps the utmost misapprehension concerning belly dancing is that it is proposed to divert men. All over history, this ritualized appearance has frequently been executed for extra women, usually for the duration of fertility rites or parties organizing a young woman for marriage. In the majority cases, the being there of men is not allowable. Belly danci...
0 4756
9/30/2010 3:49 AM
0 Replies and 4270 Views NEW HAMSANDWICH ALBUM  4270  0 Started by  christy de burg Looks like there's a new Ham sandwich album on the horizon.....the 1st of October it said somewhere.Good to see them back.Come on the sambos!!!
0 4270
9/19/2010 7:52 PM
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