The CLUAS Archive: 1998 - 2011


With thanks once again to Leah in Urchin PR and Foggy Notions; Key Notes has two double passes to give away for Little Wings who will take to the stage Upstairs in Whelan's on Wednesday August 13th.Littlewings

Little Wings is Kyle Field and whatever musicians and musical instruments cross his path as he makes his merry way through venues singing songs that flip-flop between old school country and low-fi electronica.  Field himself describes Little Wings as 'an ever-changing art project where I can take on different identities and roles with associations with those around me.

Having previously collaborated with the likes of Jason Lytle of Grandaddy, the loosely assembled membership that now revolves around Field sometimes includes drummer Adam Selzer, keyboardist Rob Kieswetter, and bassist Mark Leece.

Key Notes has two double passes to give away to the first two people who email keynotes[at]cluas[dot]com putting 'Little Wings' in the subject bar.

For a taster of what one can expect from Little Wings, please see below:

Little Wings: New Topanga

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2001 - Early career profile of Damien Rice, written by Sinead Ward. This insightful profile was written before Damien broke internationally with the release of his debut album 'O'. This profile continues to attract hundreds of visits every month, it being linked to from Damien Rice's Wikipedia page.