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Last Post 1/12/2005 12:14 PM by  karlvin
do the apple shuffle
 7 Replies
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New Member
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1/12/2005 12:14 PM
    http://www.apple.com/ipodshuffle/ hit or miss ? have to say it looks the biz but not being able to choose a song , hmmm.
    Veteran Member
    Veteran Member

    1/12/2005 1:48 PM
    But you can choose what goes onto the shuffle itself. For people who are more interested in certain songs to keep them going on the bus or wherever, it is a slick invention. 240 songs shuffled about on something as small as a pack of chewing gum, sounds decent enough. Think I'll hold onto my 40GB ipod for a while longer though, need those albums in my pocket.
    Veteran Member
    Veteran Member

    1/12/2005 2:13 PM
    Its just a USB solid state memory MP3 player and a poorly featured one at that. Hardly a new idea and its established rivals are better equipped with displays and stuff like FM radios and voice recording.
    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    1/13/2005 10:37 AM
    Originally posted by Binokular
    Its just a USB solid state memory MP3 player and a poorly featured one at that. Hardly a new idea and its established rivals are better equipped with displays and stuff like FM radios and voice recording.
    Nail on the head there Binokular........ I really don't know what the fuss is about these apple products. They are poorly specd and you can find far better products that don't have the letter i as a prefix as far as a shuffle only player is concerned.... silly idea imho I wouldn't use a CD player that only shuffled tracks http://www.thumped.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=18712
    New Member
    New Member

    1/13/2005 11:08 AM
    heh all , yeah some good points being made , I think if I'm going to invest it wont be in an ipodshuffle !
    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    1/13/2005 2:54 PM
    Karl, just been browsing your site. Can't check the music out at work, but will do so later this evening. Are you signed up to TAXI.com ? If so, do you recommend it and did gain any exposure from it? Just curious, as I had been thinking of joining a long time ago but wanted to see from an actual member if the price was worthwhile. Thanks, Keith
    New Member
    New Member

    1/13/2005 4:49 PM
    Heh Keith , cool about checking out the site , let us know what you think, yeah I joined a last year , it's quite expensive and you really have to join broadjam as well in order to submit everything online or it's just not worth it. The feedback from the reviewers is excellent , but you have to have some decent material before hand , I got a good few "referrals/forwards" i.e. to industry people but haven't heard anything back , so I'll be debating myself whether or not to join again , hope this helps , if I can help with any questions give us a shout , cheers Karl.
    Advanced Member
    Advanced Member

    1/16/2005 12:39 PM
    its not only a shuffle, you can have it play tunes in order as well... but like Gar said, ill hold ontae the full size ipod for a while yet
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