Mr Johnny Boss New Member Posts:7  
10/25/2005 5:15 PM |
Anyone know what the latest is, last I heard they got their licence but that was about a year ago and still havent heard anything.
klootfan Advanced Member Posts:851  
10/25/2005 6:32 PM |
The assignment of the licence to phantom is being contested in the courts. Review coming up on Wednesday November 9th. Should know more then
Damien Basic Member Posts:316  
10/25/2005 10:25 PM |
"The Bob Geldof-backed company which failed to secure the licence to operate an alternative rock music radio station in the Dublin area yesterday got leave from the High Court to challenge the Broadcasting Commission of Ireland's (BCI) decision.
The BCI granted the contract to Phantom FM, which Mr Geldof's company alleged has a history of illegal broadcasting.
Mr Justice John McMenamin gave Scrollside Ltd, trading as ZED FM, leave to seek, by way of judicial review, an order quashing the BCI decision to award the licence to Dublin Rock Radio Ltd, trading as Phantom FM.
Brian O'Moore SC, for Scrollside Ltd, said the competition for the contract ultimately became a two-horse race between ZED FM and Phantom FM.
He claimed that Phantom FM had been operating in clear breach of broadcasting legislation between 1998 and 2003.
Mr O'Moore said his clients believed that throughout the entire selection process there seemed to have been an unfair bias for Phantom FM - that BCI was predisposed to that applicant even before the advert for the contest.
Counsel for ZED FM said that the preference shown to Phantom FM also resulted in the unfair granting of temporary licences by the BCI.
Mr O'Moore said his clients had only recently become aware of these irregularities which had the effect of tilting the playing field in favour of Phantom FM for the eventual licence in dispute. "
Mully Advanced Member Posts:849  
10/26/2005 8:47 AM |
From Mondays Phantom Newsletter ...
As we’re sure you know by now, Phantom FMs launch on FM has been delayed by a court case taken by an unsuccessful applicant for the licence which was awarded to Phantom FM. The court case has now taken place in the High Court and judgement has been reserved on the case. This means that a decision will be given on Wednesday November 9th, a year and a day since Phantom FM was awarded the licence in the first place! Fingers crossed that all goes well, and then the mayhem to get on the air begins!
Daragh Advanced Member Posts:666  
10/26/2005 8:52 AM |
"a year and a day"
at least its poetic! dont hop off the horse though!
10/26/2005 3:09 PM |
Anyone listen to raidio na life???? I find it's a pretty decent alternative to phantom. I mean it's no phantom but you don't have djs talking s**te the whole time and they play a good bit of older and obscure stuff. Sound quality's not great though, but that's coz the frequency is s**t, its up past 106fm i think.
Dr Bill New Member Posts:16  
10/26/2005 5:26 PM |
radio na life is class but i can almost never tune it in so i just gave up. phantom won't be on the air until next year. i can't find xfm anymore. i say someone should set up a strong signalled pirate specificallt to suit my taste. They can call it Dr Bill FM