kierry Basic Member Posts:244  
11/4/2004 1:20 PM |
i had an interesting discussion with someone involved with Zed Fm, we were discussing the upcoming decision regarding the radio license.
anyway, it seems that ClearChannel is involved with the Phantom Fm bid. if this is true, and i'm not saying it is, then it is bad news for radio in ireland. 
but will there be any real difference in the two stations when they get up and running? phantom certaintly won't be the same when it returns, it'll have to respond and attract advertisers just like spin and everyone else.
any thoughts?
bonzo Basic Member Posts:364  
11/4/2004 1:45 PM |
quote: Originally posted by kierry
i had an interesting discussion with someone involved with Red Fm, we were discussing the upcoming decision regarding the radio license.
anyway, it seems that ClearChannel is involved with the Phantom Fm bid. if this is true, and i'm not saying it is, then it is bad news for radio in ireland.
but will there be any real difference in the two stations when they get up and running? phantom certaintly won't be the same when it returns, it'll have to respond and attract advertisers just like spin and everyone else.
any thoughts?
Can you explain why Clearchannel is a bad thing?
Pilchard Advanced Member Posts:699  
11/4/2004 1:51 PM |
quote: Originally posted by bonzo
Originally posted by kierry
anyway, it seems that ClearChannel is involved with the Phantom Fm bid. if this is true, and i'm not saying it is, then it is bad news for radio in ireland.
This is VERY interesting news - if its true. Clear Channel's only prior Irish investments are the Point and some advertising agency. They have yet to move into radio here - although there is business chatter that they may buy one of the big UK operators like SRH or Emap.
Do u know if this CC involvment comes via MCD? After all, MCD are Clear Channel's "promoter of choice" in Ireland. Have the BCI been made aware of this because they are currently deciding (or have decided and havent told anyone) who gets the Dublin rock licence?
Pilchard Advanced Member Posts:699  
11/4/2004 1:52 PM |
Oh, and sorry for being pedantic (pathetic?), but it's ZED FM and not Red FM. Red FM is a Cork city station!
kierry Basic Member Posts:244  
11/4/2004 4:48 PM |
quote: Originally posted by bonzo
Can you explain why Clearchannel is a bad thing?
Clear Channel Communications is a media company based in the US which wields considerable influence in radio broadcasting, concert promotion and hosting, and fixed advertising in the United States through is subsidiaries. The company owns over 1,200 radio stations and over 30 television stations in the United States, among other media outlets in other countries.
It is based on Selling its products to customers. It does not develop listeners, it does not encourage personality, it homogenises its playlists to get the maximum market share.
it has a history of doing anything to get what it wants. for example:
After the country music band The Dixie Chicks criticized US President George W. Bush at a show in England, upsetting some music fans and politicians, country music stations owned by Clear Channel Communications banned their music. Clear Channel claims this was solely the work of local station managers, DJ’s, and angry fans. Some critics of Clear Channel, including the editors of Rock and Rap Confidential, claim otherwise. They claim that Clear Channel executives, in a bid to gain support for various policies they were pushing in Washington, instigated the boycott among its country music stations themselves to send a message to other musicians that criticizing President George Bush's administration could hurt your career, through reduced airplay, etc. Clear Channel denies these accusations.
there are many instances like this. including one with Howard stern which is widely known. some clear channel companies have changed their names to distance themselves some more.
involvement by Clear channel removes any aspect of Personality and locality. its a bad thing. this isn't to say this going to happen to phantom, but its scary.
Pilchard Advanced Member Posts:699  
11/4/2004 5:17 PM |
quote: Originally posted by kierry
anyway, it seems that ClearChannel is involved with the Phantom Fm bid. if this is true, and i'm not saying it is, then it is bad news for radio in ireland.
I am assuming that your source has alerted the BCI to this fact?? That kind of post-bid buy-in is actually prohibited by competition laws in this country.
Unicron Veteran Member Posts:1696  
11/4/2004 8:59 PM |
If it's true then it's really awful news.
mick Basic Member Posts:411  
11/5/2004 12:39 AM |
quote: Originally posted by kierry
phantom certaintly won't be the same when it returns, it'll have to respond and attract advertisers just like spin and everyone else.
read their business plan. you can get to it from links on their msg brd
i reckon phantom will remain very much so the same as before
i really hope they get it.
Pilchard Advanced Member Posts:699  
11/5/2004 9:32 AM |
quote: Originally posted by mick
read their business plan. you can get to it from links on their msg brd
i reckon phantom will remain very much so the same as before
i really hope they get it.
are u joking?
if phantom get it, the ramshackle indie-schmindie phantom that currently exists will be gone within 12 months to be replaced by an indie Spin-FM. with clear channel all over it.
If zed gets it, it will be an indie spin-FM within 12 weeks and Scottish Radio Holdings or EMAP will be in before you can say "niall stokes has a receding hairline".
the licence is awarded to a BUSINESS and a business priority is to make money. the new radio station will not be about music or supporting irish music - it will be about making money from that music and those irish bands.
if u believe what's on that application, u obviously would have believed what everyone from Radio Ireland to Century FM had to say in their applications all those years ago.
kierry Basic Member Posts:244  
11/5/2004 10:25 AM |
quote: Originally posted by mick
read their business plan. you can get to it from links on their msg brd
i reckon phantom will remain very much so the same as before
i really hope they get it.
hey, i'd love if they were, but i'm afraid that they might not. thats the point i'm making. there is a bad history of the new radio stations in ireland falling apart. the business plan of lite fm was fairly different to Q102 which it became when Lite wasn't bringing in the advertisers.
if phantom does have ClearChannel links and they're not making a profit it will be very easy to quickly overhaul the station.
The bci broadcasting license is seen as a license to print money - the people who are setting to run Phantom won't let it go so easy.
i hope it doesn't. but it might. this isn't to say Zed fm won't sell out either, i'm just playing with possibilities here.
John Doe Basic Member Posts:338  
11/5/2004 10:57 AM |
So does anyone know when a decision is likely ?
mick Basic Member Posts:411  
11/5/2004 11:51 AM |
just read the business plan.
their license will be taken off them if they dont stick to the alternative indie genre.
quote: Originally posted by Pilchard
quote: Originally posted by mick
read their business plan. you can get to it from links on their msg brd
i reckon phantom will remain very much so the same as before
i really hope they get it.
are u joking?
if phantom get it, the ramshackle indie-schmindie phantom that currently exists will be gone within 12 months to be replaced by an indie Spin-FM. with clear channel all over it.
If zed gets it, it will be an indie spin-FM within 12 weeks and Scottish Radio Holdings or EMAP will be in before you can say "niall stokes has a receding hairline".
the licence is awarded to a BUSINESS and a business priority is to make money. the new radio station will not be about music or supporting irish music - it will be about making money from that music and those irish bands.
if u believe what's on that application, u obviously would have believed what everyone from Radio Ireland to Century FM had to say in their applications all those years ago.
kierry Basic Member Posts:244  
11/5/2004 12:10 PM |
I don't think they'll leave the genre.
I think they'll become the spin fm version of that genre.
Bands like snow patrol, the rasmus, and coldplay can be counted as alternative rock. maybe even busted can. mcfly.
I don't know whats going to happen, i hope it won't go like that, but I'm wondering what the chances are that it could.
Obviously it'd be mush better for unsigned and independent bands if they didn't change their style, but being fully licensed means having to bow to business pressures.
anyway the decision is being announced on monday.
Pilchard Advanced Member Posts:699  
11/5/2004 12:23 PM |
quote: Originally posted by mick
just read the business plan.
their license will be taken off them if they dont stick to the alternative indie genre.
the same was said to Radio Ireland when they started - if u dont maintain a 50-50 talk-music mix, we will come in the dead of night and take your licence away. radio ireland realised talk-music didnt work, ditched the current affairs shows (bar the last word) and changed their name. BCI didnt do a thing because they CAN NOT do a thing. they do not have the legal wherewithall to do anything but give out licences and police radio operations. they can wring their hands and say "this is shocking awful" but they cannot do a thing about it.
decision on the indie licence is monday. Phantom's new found political connections via MCD and Paul McGuinness will give them the edge over Zed's current spinning about Phantom's pirate past and this new Clear Channel story.
mick Basic Member Posts:411  
11/5/2004 4:01 PM |
quote: Originally posted by kierry
Bands like snow patrol, the rasmus, and coldplay can be counted as alternative rock.
i'm just glad there'll be a station not playing bubble gum pop 
in their business plan they are very dedicated to irish music, like they've always been, i think they'll stick to it, and i'll stand by that.
i've never listened to spin, so i've no idea what the spin for that genre means.
kierry Basic Member Posts:244  
11/5/2004 4:27 PM |
yeah, you're right at least it won't be britney etc 24/7.
alcopop New Member Posts:44  
11/5/2004 5:10 PM |
If either of the stations which are already businesses albeit not very profitable do get their licence they will be subjected to the same kind of "rules" that all radio stations abide by. That is, during the day entertain the housewives, at night entertain the students. These are the two main profit streams for radio and considering housewives buy the shopping this is really the only slot most stations care for, student are always broke. This is the primary reason radio is so s**t.
In a saturated market the mainstream will always be the holy grail, however now that it's nicely saturated and I know every word to Milkshake and Toxic business dictates that a more directed approach to marketing is required.
I'm guessing that if either station gets a licence they will continue to play special interest however maybe the washing powder advertising will be for black clothes.
Follow this link and you'll find Today FMs rate card, a good way to see where a stations priority lies.
alcopop New Member Posts:44  
11/5/2004 5:13 PM |
You censored the word s**t!
What about...knickers, garters, twat, fanny, titties, c**t, f**k, arse, bumhole, your mother, spanking, massive langer and felch?
kierry Basic Member Posts:244  
11/8/2004 3:09 PM |
Just announced: Phantom got the License.
So there ye go.
Good luck and well done to everyone involved, and conmiserations to Zed fm.
This could be the beginning of something great for alternative music in Dublin and Ireland!
alcopop New Member Posts:44  
11/8/2004 4:31 PM |
Well done Phantom! Don't go changin!