right, all this best albums and best band stuff got me thinkin. Which hurt a little for a minute.
I'm sure we're all familiar with conversations among musicians about who the best drummer/guitar player/singer/bass player etc is alive/ was ever, how about a few ideas for the ideal Irish "Super group" (Copyright for use of this term belongs to the 1970's)
Personally I'm not too fussy on the definition of "Irish" for the sake of a light hearted discussion, (although considering the upcoming referendum maybe it is something that should be stipulated clearly,

Heres my own choices.
Drums: Brian Downey
Bass/Vocals: Phil Lynnot
Vocals: Joe Wall and the guy from Republic of Loose swapping duties.
Lead Guitar: Rory Gallagher
Rhythm Guitar: Kevin Shields
Acoustic Guitar: Paul Brady
Miscellaneous string instruments (banjo excluded): Donal Lunny
Some will probably knock my choice for being predictable, but as I'm a common idiot, I will graciously accept criticism.
Actually replace graciously with childishly.
so come on people, start blasting me with criticism for missing some glaringly obvious choices!