klootfan Advanced Member Posts:851  
5/21/2004 12:21 PM |
For the sake of discussion. Last 3 Albums bought..
50 Foot Wave E.P.
Kristin Hersh's new project. Quality 6 Track ep at only 8.99. how bad. A lot heavier then the throwing muses stuff. Apparently she has been listening to a lot of the QOTSA lately.
Seafood - As the cry flows.
3rd album from seafood. A lot more mellow then their previous stuff but good all the same. Apparently the lead singer has been in and out of hospital with a collapsed lung.
Grant Lee Philips - Virgina Creeper
Quality stuff here from the man who brought us Fuzzy. Saw him in the village a couple of weeks back and it was quality. His voice is not as pronounced as in his previous material but that doesnt take from it.
Well there you go. Thats my two cents.
Anyone else buy anything weird and wonderful lately
Binokular Veteran Member Posts:1665  
5/21/2004 1:23 PM |
This is a difficult one because I bought a shedload of CDs last month so I'm trying to remember which three were most recent, anyway here goes:
Ratatat - Ratatat
I had this MP3 lying round on my hard drive called 17 years for ages, but couldn't remeber who it was buy. It sounded vaguely like Felix Da Housecat doing a rock track. I finally found out that it was in fact a band called Ratatat, a collaboration between guitarist Mike Stroud and bedroom producer Evan Mast. Its only May and I think this could be album of the year already (still awaiting my copy of the new Lali Puna album). This is pure genius, intertwining baroque synth and guitar harmonies with no real seperation between harmony and rhythm, serious riffing that would put The Darkness to shame and it manages somehow to be hip-hop without actually being hip-hop. Does that make sense? probably not, anyway its great, check it out, it could be the start of a new genre "Baroque and Roll" anyone?
The Rapture - Echoes
I had been avoiding buying this for quite some time. I already had the brilliant DFA mix of "house of jealous lovers" on a Muzik magazine DFA compilation called "Dance to the Underground". I figured the rest of the album can't be as good as this track (especially considering it was a different mix to the one on the album) and it would probably be a purchase I would regret long after the whole disco-punk thing stopped being trendy, but I saw it on sale for 6 euro so I figured I had little to lose. The album doesn't ever really rise above "House of Jealous Lovers", but its still a pretty good record if not exactly original. The title of the album is aproppriate because you constantly here "echoes" of late 70s, early 80s bands in their sound such as Gang of 4, New Order, etc.
Depeche Mode - Speak and Spell
This is definitely an oldie! Its great though, despite the cheap synths it still sounds great today. It was made when Vince Clarke was still with the band and it shows, its very much an upbeat pop record comapred to later Depeche Mode.
Smashing Pumpkins - The Aeroplane Flies High (Japanese 2 CD set)
OK this makes 4 (5 if you count the fact that its a double album) and I didn't purchase it that recently either, but I thought I'd mention it because I'd love to know if anybody knows anything about it. It appears to be made up only of the B-Sides that featured in the original 5CD Aeroplane Flies High Box set, thus saving you a packet if you already have the first three albums and have no desire to pay for songs you already have in your collection. I picked it up in Camden when I was in London recently so its quite likely its not exactly kosher. However it doesn't appeat to be a bootleg, The artwork features virgin records logos and it has the catalogue number is VJCP 25200-1/2 so it seems genuine. The sound quality is spot on but I can't find any reference to it in various discographys. Its great if you are a smashing pumpkins fan and shows an unusual side to the band as it features a lot acoustic and electronic stuff rather than their trademark indie-metal, kind of like "Adore" I guess, but different even to that. Anyone know if this is a "genuine" release or not?
hells_belle New Member Posts:3  
5/21/2004 2:00 PM |
i got the walkmen's album when it came out, that was amazing, my favorite of the year so far. the still's album as well, that's ok and i got a promo of the ordinary boys new album, that was a big surprise, way better than i expected. look out for it
klootfan Advanced Member Posts:851  
5/21/2004 2:27 PM |
While i always like the pumpkins i can never say that i was overly enthusiastic about them. Duno why. I think i got bored with them
Fightin talk i hear you say. probably.
I must pick up the rapture album. Where did you find it at that crazy price.
I bought the Walkmens album as well.
And its not bad. "The rats" is pure class as is "Little house of savages"
But some of the songs are pretty average and let the album down as a whole
Who would you compare the stills two. I have heard a bit about them but i havent heard any of their music. I miss daytime phantom.
hells_belle New Member Posts:3  
5/21/2004 2:47 PM |
you could compare the stills to interpol. they're a bit lighter/popier, but definately worth checking out
eoghan Basic Member Posts:331  
5/21/2004 2:51 PM |
Last album I bought was Modest Mouse's "Good News for People Who Love Bad News". My album of the year so far. It ain't released yet on this side of the pond they called the Atlantic (it's released over here on July 19th, I got me fair lady to pick it up for me when she was over in the States). Modest Mouse are - for me at least - one of the finest bands operating in the US at the moment. And, as per another discussion thread going on this site, they're a band I would definitely be prepared to travel to see. On that very front they have just announced a clutch of European dates (between June 22 and 28 they hit Berlin, Cologne, Glasgow, London & Manchester). But I'm all talk, no action cuz I won't be making the plunge to see them as I'm on holliers that same week (even so my jaunt to see Wilco in London in July is already enough of an indulgence, I could never reasonably expect to justify to myself (or anyone else for that bleedin’ matter) a trip to see the Modest Mouse lads).
Binokular Veteran Member Posts:1665  
5/21/2004 3:08 PM |
quote: Originally posted by klootfan
Fightin talk i hear you say. probably.
Nah not at all, I don't really mind it when people say they don't like the Pumpkins. It mainly comes down to whether you can put up with Billy Corgans vocals. I can understand why people aren't into them but give them another chance they were the probably one the last truly great heavy rock bands. They were always regarded as contemporaries of Nirvana and seemed to spend their career in Nirvanas' shadow, but in reality they have far more in common with 70s/80s heavy rock/pop metal bands like ELO, Boston, Cheap Trick, Queen etc. Theres even a barely discernable hint of Prince (Mellon Collies 2nd disk). Listend to in this context they make a lot more sense.
I picked up the Rapture album in Golden Discs of all places! I find often the more "mainstream" (i.e. clueless) record stores tend to slash the price of a lot of stuff because it isn't selling as much as the latest Westlife album, without realising that its still selling at a relative premium elswhere. I always check out the bargain section of such stores when I'm passing by, one of my best finds was getting Saint Ettiene "Finnistierre", Yeah Yeah Yeahs "Master" and a Roxy Music live double album all for a grand total of 15 euro!
Eoghan, the only Modest Mouse tracks I've heard were older tracks, one was called "Worms and Birds" and it was pretty good, the other track was less memorable so the title escapes me, lets hope they get some some decent exposure and recognition this time round.
Rev Jules Veteran Member Posts:1041  
5/21/2004 5:12 PM |
Last three albums...
'Transcedental Blues' (Steve Earle) - Amazing record. His best.
He finally got the perfect balance between roots and rock. And he didn't bother with running the final mix through a digital limiter. Good man. 
'The Lonesome Touch' (Martin Hayes/Denis Cahill) - Probably the best Traditional Irish album ever released. Hayes is to the fiddle what Michaelangelo was to the paint brush. The only trad album I have ever heard that has a true sense of grandeur. And it's only fiddle/guitar. No bodhrans, bozoukis (can't spell that to save my life), squeeze boxes, nothing. Genius. 
'Stumble Into Grace' (Emmylou Harris) - Liked it alot when I put it on but, after five plays, it started to grate. I don't get the Emmylou thing. She started out with Gram Parsons, whom I loathe, and then turned into the maiden aunt of Alt.Country. The missus hates it too and won't let me play it when she's at home. 
And one I sent back...
'A Grand Don't Come For Free' (The Streets). Utter rubbish. I got a free advance copy of this and handed it back after playing the first half once. How would I describe it ? Oh yeah ! 'SH*T BUT YOU KNOW IT'
QsySue Basic Member Posts:119  
5/21/2004 8:27 PM |
Modest Mouse play Seattle a lot, they're from here. I've wanted to check them out but they're pretty popular in the indie scene so their shows sell out. Or maybe I've just been too lazy to go. I tend to think of them as Built to Spill wannabes, to be honest. But I haven't heard much by them, and I keep hearing how great they are live.
Last three albums:
Orange Goblin - Thieving From the House of God
Only listened to it once so far, but I'm digging it. Just picked it up when I saw them play this week. They're a British stoner band, good stuff.
And thanks to this site:
Whipping Boy - Heartworm
The Frank and Walters - Trains, Boats and Planes
Luka Bloom - Riverside
Lucera Basic Member Posts:180  
5/22/2004 3:44 PM |
Fantomas - Delerium Cordia, Wierdest thing I''ve ever heard yet
Bob Dylan - Street Legal, what is there to be said,
Outkast - SpeakerBoxx/The Love Below, A great CD for, well, listening to on the way out and while out,
The Lopper New Member Posts:4  
5/22/2004 11:02 PM |
I think it was actually Electric 6 :\
Anyone know if there is an electric eel shock album
The_Thin_Man Basic Member Posts:137  
5/24/2004 12:39 PM |
David Byrne's Look Into The Eyeball...interesting, but a lot of his solo work just serves to shine a light on how amazing talking heads were..
Francoise Hardy - some collection or other, it's all in French...in the dictionary under 'breezy'. a picture of Ms Hardy..
Miles Davis - Round about Midnight....Miles kicks junk, teams up with Coltrane and his greatest quintet. Blissful..
5/24/2004 12:41 PM |
last three...
a cheap Nina Simone live album- some good recordings on it.
The Liars- they were wrong so we drowned.
the tracks that are actually songs rather than ambient noise are really good.
There's a song called
"if your a wizard why do you need glasses?",
it begs the question:
if you are so pedantic, why do you spell it "Y-O-U-R"?
Belle and Sebastian: fold your hands child, you walk like a peasant.
Binokular Veteran Member Posts:1665  
5/24/2004 12:49 PM |
Just bought a copy of the new Felix Da Housecat album "Devin Dazzle and the Neon Fever" on friday evening, its not even supposed to be released until today. Some poor virgin megastore employee is probably in serious trouble! It sounds pretty good but I haven't listened to it enough to give a definitive verdict on it. A lot of the distant icy cool on "Kittenz and thee Glitz" is gone, mainly because Miss Kittin and Melistar don't seem to feature this time round. This record sounds a bit more unrestrained, a bit more "punk". Standout track so far is "rocket ride", a collaboration with James Murphy from LCD soundsystem, its very funky and James Murphys vocals kind of sounds like how Jack White might sound if he was funkier and dropped the whole puritanical authenticity thing.
5/24/2004 1:35 PM |
Os Mutantes - Os Mutantes
Lone Pigeon - Concubine Rice
Modest Mouse - Good news for poeple who love bad news
karlvin New Member Posts:97  
5/24/2004 2:04 PM |
Last album bought ,
Love -
Forever Changes , a very wierd album but the more I listen to it the more I think it's absolutely great !
MaryJane New Member Posts:17  
5/24/2004 4:09 PM |
I heard that smashing pumpkins aeroplane CD a year or two ago, one of my mates brought it back from holidays in Europe. I think it is bona fide, nice collection of tunes. I must say I love the smashing pumpkins, I know its not everyones cup of tea, I dont really like their last album as much, but I think Corgan is one of the best song writers ever, even if everyone says he is a pain in the ass.
I have not been able to afford new Cds in ages. Unemployed student. Please send me some new Cds or unwanted HMV vouchers, for the love of God think of the poor deprived students!!
Karlito Basic Member Posts:210  
5/25/2004 2:02 PM |
last 3:
Charlatans - Up at the lake
Mundy - Raining down arrows - very average
Eels - Beautiful Freak
doireallyhaveto New Member Posts:1  
5/25/2004 2:33 PM |
heroes to zeros - beta band
remix album - brenda fassie*
second contribution - shawn phillips*
pata pata - miriam makeba*
* 'revival' purchases
stephen Basic Member Posts:201  
5/25/2004 4:29 PM |
I bought On The Beach by Neil Young..... just buy it everyone. It's a stone-cold, no nonsense bugget of gold and should be in everyone's collection.
Also bought Simple Kid. He's basically an Irish Beck, ain't he? Jury's out on this one.
And a best of Tori Amos that I found in a Virgin sale and 4.99 and couldn't say no.