2/6/2004 8:38 AM |
Don't you find it incredibly annoying when bands/artists you hate come out with really good songs and as much as you dislike them, you can't stop listening to one/some of their songs?
I have 3 examples of this:
Stereophonics - Hurry Up & Wait
I wish that dippy trio would disappear forever, but that's a great song
Travis - Turn
Boring, boring Travis. Still I love that one, Fran Healy sings it majestically in my view
Oasis - Heroes
A b-side and a cover of the David Bowie classic. Noel Gallagher does a great job of it and the electric guitar really amplifies it to great effect. Oasis did a pretty good cover of "My Generation" on a b-side too. Then again, they always were a cover band I suppose.....
I have more embarrassing examples of this but given that I recently started the embarrassing CDs thread, I will dish out my credibility another day, whenever I get it back.
Anybody got any examples of this folks?
davepyro New Member Posts:2  
2/6/2004 5:20 PM |
Easy Lover by Phil Collins
2/9/2004 9:58 AM |
Why not go the whole hog and go for Jump by Girls aloud, you tosser !!!
Turn by Travis you deserve a good kickin, go back to HMV and snap up the latest top 30 singles its all you deserve to listen to !!!!!
Dromed Advanced Member Posts:900  
2/9/2004 10:09 AM |
Britany's new tune 'Toxic' is as catchy as a bad case of SARS...damn it anyway...
Dromed Advanced Member Posts:900  
2/9/2004 10:16 AM |
SARs..?Bird FLu..? Stick Kylie's 'Slow' in with that as well.
Binokular Veteran Member Posts:1665  
2/9/2004 10:52 AM |
Oh come on lighten up Shauner! "Jump" and "turn" are hardly classic songs, but neither are they entirely unpleasant either. Both are catchy but forgetable pieces of pop, theres nothing inherently wrong with that, and at least Girls Aloud don't pretend to be anything other than that.
Dromed, totally agree with you about Kylies "Slow", "Can't get you out of my head" is great too. Both songs are also interesting in the way that they highlight the current symbiotic relationship between the underground and the mainstream. Kylies' electro sound seems to be a trickle down effect of the Electroclash movement. In turn Soulwax and countless other bootleggers created bootleg/remix versions of "can't get you out of my head" with "Slow" also being a popular choice for bootleggers to mess around with. Check out the "Soulwax Electronique mix" (its a hidden track on 2many DJs) or "Can't get Blue Monday out of my head" (Kylie/New Order Bootleg) to name just two examples of whats been done with this track. Interestingly we shouldn't forget that Kylie was also around in the 80s, an era which influenced a lot of todays underground acts, whos influencing who I wonder?

I also have to feel sorry for Kylies sister Danii, who has always had the limelight stolen by her sibling. Her own electro effort "I Begin to Wonder" wasn't bad. Laugh if you want, I know Danii Minogue doesn't even have credibility amongst teenyboppers. I'm not pretending this song is great, but it did have enough redeeming qualities to make it likeable.
Also Pink Floyd "Wish you were here". I'm NOT saying that Pink Floyd are a crap band by the way, its just that I have never had a particular fondness for their music. "Wish you were here" is just such a great song that not even Aslan could ruin it.
Finally, she may be terminally uncool and the cheesiest thing in country, but Dolly Parton has released some great songs over the years. "Jolene" and "9 to 5" are great!
Dromed Advanced Member Posts:900  
2/9/2004 12:46 PM |
Jolene is a f**kin classic....don't ever dis Dolly!
2/9/2004 4:28 PM |
Sheesh! Keep scratching and eventually you'll get that bug out of your butt, shauner.
Anyway, can't say I like Kylie's new one, I find it very annoying actually, unimaginative pop riff, whisper, whisper whatever, nothing very redeeming about that. And while you mention Danni Minogue, I'm ashamed to say I found that "Put The Needle On It" song to be fairly catchy.
For some reason I can't even begin to fathom.
2/10/2004 7:29 AM |
lest we forget Liberty X had a great song a while back and then of course we also have Ace of Base who had a deadly song (track 8 i think) on Happy Nation album. Actually they can't have been that good if i cant even remember the names...
2/10/2004 7:32 AM |
Don't forget Coldplay in there. An absolute shiithole of a band! Only problem is they keep writing great songs
Binokular Veteran Member Posts:1665  
2/10/2004 1:10 PM |
That new Kylie track, I think its called "red blooded woman" and yeah, its dull, dull, dull. Thats the problem with so many pop stars, they just don't consistently release great envelope pushing stuff. Liberty X fall into that trap too, one minute they're collaborating with Richard X on the rather good "being nobody", the next their releasing unimaginative drivel.
"Put the needle on it" is catchy as hell (just the mere mention of it has it goin round in me head now), I think its something about the way she puts a heavy vocal emphasis on the first beat/syllable in every bar of the chorus, then its just a case of using that same phrase over and over, rinse, wash, repeat. Simple, not big, not clever, but it seems to work.
Binokular Veteran Member Posts:1665  
2/11/2004 9:54 AM |
Just thought of a few more songs to add to this list, this is getting embarrasing, guess I've just got a digging up gold in the trash mentality.
The first two are from truly awful grunge-era band Live. I like the songs "Top" and "Lightning Crashes". "Top" is excusable because its got a great rousing pop-metal chorus. "Lighning Crashes" on the other hand, I cannot figure out why I like this song, a ridiculous power-ballad (cringe) with some of the worst lyrics in rock history, bet you never thought you'd hear the word "placenta" used in a song.
Counting Crows are a band I normally cannot stand, but I like the song "hangin' around", maybe because it doesn't have the most annoying things about most counting crows songs. Rather than the normal over earnest, life is a greek tragedy tone of most of their songs, this is catchy, almost upbeat even if the subject isn't. This band could be great if they wrote more stuff like this, I mean what is Adam Duritz normally so depressed about? hes sells loads of records, hes got loads of cash and has dated some incredible looking women, unless he's actually clinically depressed, in which case he really should get help, oh and a haircut, last time I saw a picture of him it looked like he had some kind of giant crab protuding from his head.
"Owner of a lonely heart" by Yes is a pretty great slice of pop from what previously had been an overblown prog rock band. Yes aren't entirely crap, they just tend to go a bit OTT like a lot of prog rockers.
The same applies to ELO, who also tended to overcook things, but when they set their minds to it could write great pop. "Don't bring me down" is pure pop perfection.
Dromed Advanced Member Posts:900  
2/11/2004 3:23 PM |
'Owner of a Lonely Heart' is a f**kin classic...very good call Binokular, what a dirty ass bassline, dead dead infectious.
I saw that band Live on The Word (s**t, showing my age here) - does anyone else remember The Word?? Anyway they played some song with the line 'I alone Love you' in it, it was such a bloody catchy song that I can still remember it, even though it was about ten years ago and I've never heard anything about them or any of their other stuff since. I also recall the singer had some seriously scary eyebrows.
Rev Jules Veteran Member Posts:1041  
4/25/2004 8:42 PM |
'Stand and Deliver' - Adam and the Ants
'Live and Let Die' - Wings
'Dancehall Days- - Wanye Chung
Don't forget, Satan is real 
Lucera Basic Member Posts:180  
4/28/2004 4:25 PM |
FYI re: Live - still going, still writing dodge lyrics, slightly Christian rock if you ask me personally (last one I heard on TV had a chorus that went something like "...I look at my daughters eyes...and I believe...". I tell ya, no one that listens to that is an atheist, the reactions I've heard from mates range from "Holy Mother of God!" to "Sweet Jesus!". Although given the tones used maybe those were'nt prayers. I'm an idiot so I can't tell.
Ugly Kid Joe - "So Damn Cool". alot of you will want to punch me for that. That’s cool. re last sentence of previous paragraph.
Rod Stewart -"Gasoline Alley", amazing, more because you hear what a mess he made of music fifteen years later and then this is the same person. Rachel Hunter was hot even back when he performed this I bet.
I wonder was there ever a good Eurovision winner or entrant? (by the way I'm convinced that James Kilbland dude is a serial killer...look at those bushy brows. Dont go in the woods alone at night when he's around.)
The Cranberries - "Let me Down"(might be called "Bring me Down").
I only heard this as it was on a tape i got free with Select Magazine all those years ago, its from the first album, everyone else is drinking, why dont we, or whatever it is called. Great tune though. Vocals are nice in the chorus.
Rev Jules Veteran Member Posts:1041  
4/28/2004 8:41 PM |
Dead on about James Kilbane, he really looks like that German guy who ate his mate recently
