1/13/2004 12:12 PM |
Howdy all,
Don't you just love it when you discover great albums without intention/knowledge and completely by accident?
I have 2 recent examples of this:
1. Cast - Mother Nature Calls
Back in November, I was asked to do a 20 minute presentation on one of Dublin's local radio stations which was fine except 2 DJs never showed up. (One of them who was supposed to be on after me) So the station manager asked me to continue on and I ended up DJing for over 2 hours. The only problem was I hadn't foreseen this and I had no material with me. So it was comical really, I was programming tracks, started playing them and tore off to the storeroom trying to find something in the CD stores that I knew of and trying to get back to the decks before the song ended. Crazy, really.
Anyway, I found a promotional single of "live Your Dream" by Cast and I was stunned when I played it, what a great song. Since then I bought the "Mother Nature Calls" album from which that track is taken and it's absolutely brilliant, I love its acoustic-pop asthetics and it sounds so fresh instead of all the mellow stuff that's so prevalent at the moment.
2. Warren Zevon
I bought an issue of Uncut before Christmas cos it had an REM special in it and it had a free CD with songs on it chosen by the band. On it was "Porcelain Monkey" by Warren Zevon and I think it's a bloody great song. Since then I've had a few listens to his new one (I forget what it's called) and it's bloody great. What a shame he's passed on and won't be making any more albums like this.
Anyway, I love it when random circumstances introduce you to such great albums like that.
Has anybody got a similar story to tell?
1/13/2004 1:02 PM |
Wandering into one of the tents in wittnness 2003 by accident only to get the head blown off me by eighties matchbox b-line disaster. I couldnt believe my ears and had to find out who they were. Now Horse of The dOg is one of my favourite albums, i drink all night, sleep all day...
pablohoney New Member Posts:33  
1/13/2004 1:08 PM |
an album that i discovered by accident was bent -programmed to love
it looked like this cheesy thing with a pink cover in my sisters cd collection but as soon as i listened to it i was blown away
its electronic but difficult even to describe the type of music exactly
i'd recommend it to anyone
Binokular Veteran Member Posts:1665  
1/13/2004 2:13 PM |
I wouldn't exactly call it discovering by accident, but hey, its close enough. Discovered Lunathrough the internet on epitonic or yahoo launch (can't remember which). Through that discovery I also discovered Dean Warehams previous band Galaxie 500 and other Galaxie 500 members Damon and Naomi. Luna/Galaxie 500 basically take their template from the Velvet Undergrounds second album. They are exactly what the Velvet Underground would sound like if the never made White Light/White Heat and had not split up. Not the most original band in the world, but definitely one of most pleasant bands to listen to ever. Just like BB King, they know that great guitar playing is all about tone, not fretboard pyrotechnics.
I made a lot of discoveries through No Disco, and its a crime that its no longer on TV. Two of many discoveries I made through no disco include Solex and Schneider TM. Solex was a particularly great discovery for me because it came at a time when I was feeling a little cynical about music and that there was little new out there post-radiohead.
Also continually frustrated by making great discoveries through Donal Dineens show on Today FM only to find that I can't get the record anywhere or that its only available on some obscure 7" Vinyl single.
Binokular Veteran Member Posts:1665  
1/13/2004 3:41 PM |
I should also add Rounds by Fourtet, found a record company promotional copy ages ago in second hand music shop for only 2 euro. Didn't really listen to it properly for ages, just listening to it right now, and its rather good.
Dromed Advanced Member Posts:900  
1/14/2004 11:51 AM |
Pablo....that Bent album is so beautiful, 'Swollen' and 'Always' are two of my favourites from it, two precious little gems. One band that I discovered totally by accident is Red Snapper - if you like Bent I'd say you'd really like them. I was buying a cd for my cousin one day in HMV and realised when I got home I had the wrong CD, it was a a single called 'Image of You' by Red Snapper and turned out to be an amazing song. I forgot all about them and then saw a double album in Road Records one day called 'We Aim To Satisfy' (around 2000) and bought it on the spur of the moment - it's brilliant, very soundtracky and cinematic, and really eclectic. Making Bones was the first album I think that Warp brought out for them, I haven't got it but hear it's good, Image of You is on that one, I think you can only really get it on the likes of Amazon. Also got Add N to X's 'Add Insult to Injury' on the spur of the moment and was blown away.
I bought King Crimson's 'In The Court Of The Crimson King' on vinyl cos I liked the cover, was expecting it to be crap but ended up loving it - it gets a bit w**ky in parts but the title track is great. I'd love to have the money to be able to buy stuff on the spur of the moment all the time....(*sigh*). Also discovered Jose Padilla by accident while listening to A Cafe Del Mar cd during a come down, think it was volume 6... blew me away - the track was 'Adios Ayer', a beautiful tune, again along the lines of the Bent stuff, Pablo I'd say you'd like it. I'm going to fish out some more of his stuff.....after I win d lotto!
Vent My Spleen Advanced Member Posts:500  
1/14/2004 12:19 PM |
Hmmm. Bought the Bent album about two years ago, gave it a frw spins and has been gathering dust on my desk since. After such eulogies, I *must* revisit.
pablohoney New Member Posts:33  
1/14/2004 3:58 PM |
thanx dromed i'll def check out that red snapper if i can
another album that def deserves a mention is jeffrey lewis-the last time i did acid i went insane
this guy is a genius,seriously
his songs are all more like poetry than songs and they're all so interesting and true to life
like u dromed i only picked it up in the shop cos i liked the cover,he is also an amazing artist and draws all his own covers
his second album its the ones who've cracked that the light shines through is also brilliant you should definately give him a listen 
Dromed Advanced Member Posts:900  
1/15/2004 9:01 AM |
That's about the fourth time someone has recommended Jeffrey Lewis to me, I'll have to make efforts to find out some more and hear some of his stuff - If I remember correctly someone on this board went to see him recently enough in Whelans or somewhere??? Anyway ta for the tip.
Dromed Advanced Member Posts:900  
1/15/2004 9:07 AM |
As a matter of interest has anyone heard the new Air album 'Talkie Walkie' yet? I got it a couple of weeks ago - it's a weird one the first say 4 songs are amazing and the second half isn't too good at all. The last song though, 'Alone in Kyoto' is good - it's on the 'Lost in Translation' soundtrack, which is I thought was really good. Anyway one of the songs on the album is called 'Universal Traveller' and it's a gem, also the first track 'Venus' is excellent. Is anyone going to see them in the Olympia?? It's sold out apparantly.
Ruby Basic Member Posts:107  
1/15/2004 9:46 AM |
NNNOOOOOO!!!!!! Don't say that, is it really sold out??? :( It says on ticketmaster that tickets aren't currently available? Whats the deal? When I saw Air in the olympia a few years ago, it was deffo the gig of that year!! Amazing!!
Eric Basic Member Posts:179  
1/15/2004 12:14 PM |
Years ago a mate of mine's brother was in Australia for the year. He wanted to send home a piece of Australian culture to the family. So he spotted an album cover with this Aborigani sittting out side a house, presuming it was trational Oz music (didgori doos etc) he sent it home with out listening to it.
It turned out to be Buffalo Tom 'Let me come over' - a great album, great find...by mistake 
Dromed Advanced Member Posts:900  
1/15/2004 12:20 PM |
Ruby I was in Sound Cellar last Saturday and they said it's sold out -but there could possibly be some left on d net...so if you can get a hold of a credit card try ticketmaster online? I can't f**king wait for it!
Ruby Basic Member Posts:107  
1/15/2004 12:50 PM |
Looks like it is sold out....damn. I better get me skates on with all the other tix I've to get. Don't want this happenin again