pablohoney New Member Posts:33  
12/10/2003 1:12 PM |
what about this whole thing about dark side of the moon and the wizard of oz if anyone knows what iam talking about then i dont believe this album is overrated because to be able to synchronise DSOTM with this film is a work of genius
Binokular Veteran Member Posts:1665  
12/10/2003 1:30 PM |
quote: Originally posted by pablohoney
what about this whole thing about dark side of the moon and the wizard of oz if anyone knows what iam talking about then i dont believe this album is overrated because to be able to synchronise DSOTM with this film is a work of genius
Wasn't really aware of supposed synchronisation between Dark Side of the Moon and Wizard of Oz before, but I am now thanks to the wonders of Google. Interesting, did Pink Floyd really plan it that way or is it the overactive imagination of stoned students with too much time on their hands? Who knows, either way it still doesn't make me want go and listen to DSOTM.
eyeballkid New Member Posts:51  
12/10/2003 1:35 PM |
have to agree with Dromed when he mentions Pet Sounds, esp. given the recent polls that put it as no. 1 album of all time. it's another one of these of it time records. fair enough no one did the things with sound that brian wilson achieved on the album, but in terms of songs (excepting Sloop John B) there's hardly anything on it that is better than their early surf stuff. give me 20 Golden Greats any day.
as for Bob Dylan, listen to the Highway 61 Revisited LP and tell me that's not one of the greatest records ever made (of course i fully understand if people can't get past the nasal whine thing).
flagman Basic Member Posts:150  
12/10/2003 2:56 PM |
RE: Pets Sounds, some good points made about it alright.
It's legendary status seems to have come more from the Beach Boys v Beatles rivalry of the mid sixties and Brian Wilson's maddening genius.
Have to agree, I'd rather hear their older stuff, the effortless pop brilliance of 'I Get Around' and 'Help Me Rhonda' for example.
And as for Sgt. Pepper, I understand the whole musical impact and all but Revolver is a far better record I think, and you get 'Tomorrow Never Knows' to boot, how's that for musical impact.
Binokular Veteran Member Posts:1665  
12/10/2003 3:15 PM |
Flagman good point about "Tomorrow Never Knows", I used to question if the Beatles had any real impact on modern music other than Oasis, then I heard a bootleg of the vocals of that song with the backing track from The Chemical Brothers "Setting Sun". The two tracks are so similar!
Glad to hear I'm not the only one who holds the Beach Boys early stuff in high regard too. I guess Pet Sounds is regarded as the Beach Boys best album because its the first record where Brian Wilson isn't writing about surfing, cars and girls. (ironicaly Brian Wilson did not actually write the lyrics on pet sounds, he only provided the lyrical idea for each song). The thing is those supposedly inane early Beach Boys records are so much more fun, I particularly like the "little deuce coupe" album with tracks like "409" and "little honda". On that album you can almost hear the big Chevy V8s and smell the petrol fumes and burning tyres of the dragstrip.
12/10/2003 4:21 PM |
My word,
I didn't think this would attract this many responses. Mind you, I'm caught a little on some of the choices:
I'm a bit disappointed that the Flaming Lips have been mentioned, granted it scored ridiculously high praise on its release but it deserved it for its originality (if that's a word)
I'm surprised that "Nevermind" has been described as "dishwater", where would we have been at the time if Nirvana hadn't released that.
I would agree with the Dylan & Beatles choices though, I think those guys have had their moments certainly but their iconic status is unwarranted in my view. To say that the Beatles "changed" the face of music as so many journalists/fans have said before is utter bollocks in my opinion.
I was especially disappointed to see Nina Hynes mentioned though, I think she's easily Ireland's best female artist. Gemma Hayes is far more overrated than her.
Keep them coming!
Vent My Spleen Advanced Member Posts:500  
12/10/2003 4:44 PM |
quote: Originally posted by Q2
I was especially disappointed to see Nina Hynes mentioned though, I think she's easily Ireland's best female artist. Gemma Hayes is far more overrated than her.
Doh! Boy is my face red! I of course meant Gemma Hayes - not Nina Hynes, slip of the old thumbs on the keyboard. No disrespect to Gemma, a perfectly good album but it was rediculously hyped.
12/11/2003 9:23 AM |
Good Lad Spleeno,
Easy on the humility though! She's playing in Dublin on Decemeber 19th. Anyone going?
Eric Basic Member Posts:179  
12/11/2003 10:29 AM |
I really don't get the whole M&M craze, I feel I'm the only person who doesn't like his music. In a recent Q poll of 1000 best ever songs 'Slim Shady' was no 6! I find that comical. Much of his success is down to MTV playing his music 24 hours a day.
Agreed - Damien Rice, good but not that good.
12/11/2003 11:56 AM |
Hmmm, good point, that never occured to me. I think Eminem's music is a pile of arse, "Stan" being the only possible exception but even then, it's not that good.
I reckon a lot of his success is due to teeny-boppers thinking he's cool 'cos he's profane and all that malarkey.
So will the real Slim Shady please sit down and shut the f**k up for once?
stephen Basic Member Posts:201  
12/11/2003 3:43 PM |
I'm glad I've gotten some agreement on the Dylan front. Every single album is hyped as some phenomenal comeback. My arse... I've even been suckered into buying his latest by the fact that Rolling Stone voted it the best album of the year. What a mistake - it's cheap blues and whimsy. Crap.
As for my other choices? Describing something as over-rated does not mean you think it's rubbish - just that the volume of type attributed to it is not proportional to its musical worth. Hence my inclusion of Jeff Buckley and The Who ( come to think of it, Sgt Pepper too ). Jeff's album has some lovely music but also has a fair few indulgences and dirge on it for my taste - I think he would have knocked that album for 6, had he not passed away. And that's the crux of his fame... he is no longer here to soil his image.
The Who have made some of the worst rock music I have ever heard. Some great singles though, but they are consistently bracketed with Led Zep, the Stones etc as amongst one of England's greatest ever bands. Arse I say...
Knocking sacred cows off their perch is a fine trait to have... Still. Go buy Magnet's latest album... now there's something to savour.
12/11/2003 4:07 PM |
I'd agree with the over-rated nature of The Who, in fact they're rubbish.
And could someone please explain to me the over-significance of the Rolling Stones? I cannot for the life of me figure out what their appeal is.
eyeballkid New Member Posts:51  
12/11/2003 4:15 PM |
ha ha. does anyone on this forum like any bands from the sixties. i think every single significant group from one of music's defining eras has been trashed. ah well, as long as nobody has a pop at the velvet underground or creedance clearwater revival that's fine by me.
Brain of G Basic Member Posts:161  
12/11/2003 10:13 PM |
Have to agree with you Q2 - I don't know much of the Who's music but what i do know i don't like. And what I don't like I don't want to know. It's a vicious circle you see...
And I cannot stand The Rolling Stones. If ever I hear them on the radio or see them on the TV I turn the relevant appliance off without delay!
peace03 New Member Posts:46  
12/15/2003 2:42 PM |
Lads, less of the slaggin about the Who. If you need any persuasion, get a copy of the 'Classic Albums' series, they did one on the Who - Who's Next....this is one of the greatest albums ever. I was lucky enough to see them before Entwhistle died and they would have blown the s**t out of any band around today, god knows what they would have been like before Keith Moon died. Also listen to the whole Quadrophenia soundtrack from start to finish on's genius.
I would have to say that even though I am a fan of Kid A and Amnesiac, they were very overrated. Thom Yorke admitted at the time he had been listening to a lot of the music coming from the Warp label and if you listen to any music from this label pre-Amnesiac/Kid A such as; Autechre, Plaid, Boards of Canada, Squarepusher, Aphex Twin to name but a few, you will find stuff which is much better quality.
Also, I think the new Outkast album is great and will stand the test of time.
Everything U2 have done is overrated.