stroller Advanced Member Posts:576  
10/26/2003 7:32 PM |
How's the craic? I've being DJing at a couple of indie disco's in Galway for just over a year and despite all the great music that's come out in that period of time I'm still getting plagued to play Smells Like Teen Spirit and Killing In The Name Of. Band's like The Libertines, Raveonettes, BRMC, Interpol, Hot Hot Heat, The Rapture and Yeah Yeah Yeah's still get a very mixed reaction and there seems to be a disturbing number of Guns N Roses fans out there. I was just wondering is it the same story all over the country? Also what song's do you wish that your local indie DJ would play but never does.
10/29/2003 11:28 AM |
Good question. I like to hear a bit more of Embrace in indie clubs, fair enough they are a bit commercial to listen to, but that's often a good thing in discos, "Save Me" or "You're Not Alone" perhaps. Also, I'm an avid fan of REM but all you ever here is "Stand" or "Shiny Happy People". How about "What's The Frequency, Kenneth?" And no one seems to play The Cure anymore, "Why Can't I Be You?" would be class. Other than that, clubs should play more of the FLaming Lips and The Charlatans.
Wicker Basic Member Posts:185  
10/29/2003 12:20 PM |
I dare you to Play "Josh Rouse - Slaveship" and not have the crowd
bopping along
Binokular Veteran Member Posts:1665  
10/29/2003 1:49 PM |
Hasn't the whole concept of an "indie" disco been made a little obsolete by bootleg culture? The lines between the mainstream and the underground are becoming more than a little blurred these days.
space cheeks Basic Member Posts:129  
10/29/2003 2:13 PM |
Id like to hear more Smiths,Joy Division (anything but love will tear us apart!),sex pistols n stuff ............
No one ever plays Joy Division anymore 3 years ago it was great there was even a JD tribute band
John Doe Basic Member Posts:338  
10/29/2003 4:41 PM |
My tuppence worth:
REM - Radio Free Europe, Finest Worksong, The One I Love
Blondie - Hangin' on the Telephone ( OK perhaps not strictly "indie" but it rocks )
Soundgarden - Spoonman, Black Hole Sun, My Wave
Foo Fighters - Christ, where do I start ? Actually, ANYTHING by the Foos rocks.
Pearl Jam - see Foo Fighters
Sugar - Anyone remember Bob Mould's Sugar ? Their first album, Copper Blue, is a masterpiece. If I heard " A Good Idea " at an indie disco I'd cum in my pants.
peace03 New Member Posts:46  
10/29/2003 5:28 PM |
Republic of Loose - Girl I'm Gonna F*ck You Up
Dromed Advanced Member Posts:900  
10/29/2003 5:34 PM |
'Hoover Dam' off that Sugar album is an amazin tune. Bob Mould is pretty good.
Fav dancefloor tunes would be (in no particular order...and not particularly Indie...sorry!)
Underworld - Two Months Off or Rez/Cowgirl
Chemical Brothers - Hey Boy Hey Girl or Out of Control
Curtis Mayfield - Move On Up
Anything by James Brown
Grand Master Flash - White Lines
Daft Punk - Harder better faster stronger or Around the World
Anything by the Buzzcocks
Doves - Catch The Sun or There Goes The Fear
Primal Scream - Higher Than the Sun
Leftfield - Open Up
BRMC - Whatever Happend to My Rock n Roll or Spread Yer Love
Electric Six - Gay Bar
Audio Bullys - We Don't Care
The Streets - Weak Become Heroes
808 State - Cubik
A Guy Called Gerald - Voo Doo Ray
Papua New Guinea - The Future Sound Of London
Donna Summer - I Feel Love
Moloko - Forever More
Happy Mondays - Hallelujah
Groove Armada - Superstylin' ( ohhh what a song!)or I See You Baby
Flowered Up - Weekender ahhhhhh!!!
Vent My Spleen Advanced Member Posts:500  
10/29/2003 5:46 PM |
I love "Copper Blue" - I only ever listen to it when I am in work with a hangover. If that doesn't blow the cobwebs off, nothing will.
Weekender is a top tune too.
For me, I'd just like to see a lot less of the indie lite stuff you generally get i.e. losts of REM, The Cure, Happy Mondays etc etc - it all just leaves me cold I've heard it so much. And don't even get me started on that Deliite song.....
hillbilly New Member Posts:37  
10/29/2003 6:23 PM |
dromed f**ken hell you really have to go all the way dont you! and i dont care what you have to say about that you should look out for willie the wild one he wont take any of your over the top s**t talk 
Dromed Advanced Member Posts:900  
10/30/2003 9:37 AM |
Hillybilly you can tell One Eyed Willie to go suck my ***
Binokular Veteran Member Posts:1665  
10/30/2003 9:50 AM |
Dromed, despite what hillbilly says, its interesting to read your opinion. I like your playlist, however it kind of sums up my point about post-bootleg culture(By the way when I refer to bootlegs I am referring to soulwax style cut-n-paste mashups not unnoficial live recordings). The whole nature of underground music has changed, the kids with their laptops have created a brave new world where Donna Summer has equal validity to Nirvana. Indie elitism and careerism are being broken down and being replaced with something thats more inclusive and fun. New Order, Gang of Four, Grandmaster Flash etc. have being trying to lead us down this path for years, but only now are the rest of us are catching up.
To sum up; if the crowd is a bunch of boring puritans who just want to sulk to Teen Spirit and little else, maybe its time to remove the "indie disco" label and attract a more fun crowd instead.
Dromed Advanced Member Posts:900  
10/30/2003 1:36 PM |
Speakin of which...I hear Basement Jaxx' new album Kish Kash is gettin great reviews...another great dancefloor fillin band that i forgot to mention....Witnness anyone??? What a gig!!!
JellyBaby New Member Posts:18  
10/30/2003 6:25 PM |
Hey, leave the Stand boys alone!!! They deserve to be played. Ask any of The Frames what they were like in New Jersey a couple of weeks ago!!! Wait for their new record which should be in Ireland after christmas!! Brilliant, I can't wait!!!!! 
dirtypropaganda Basic Member Posts:183  
10/30/2003 7:03 PM |
f**k stand and f**k the frames...
if its necessary to have indie discos id like to see the following tunes played.
the misfits - we are 138
william the wild one - willie the wild one
apart from that i dont mind
JellyBaby New Member Posts:18  
11/2/2003 9:49 AM |
Jesus dirtypropaganda~~ Don't be such an ass!!! Chill, we can all like different music!!
mick Basic Member Posts:411  
11/3/2003 2:37 PM |
stroller play idioteque by radiohead and i'll come to your club in galway*
* i might not actually do this, tis a long way away and all
eddiesheridan Basic Member Posts:169  
11/3/2003 7:32 PM |
Sugardaddy by jimmy tenor