Vent My Spleen Advanced Member Posts:500  
9/24/2002 9:07 AM |
On another thread here, Dave Fanning was listed as one of the top 5 knobs in Irish music. As most people who grew up in the eighties would agree, Fanning was pretty much the only dj on Irish radio who championed alternative music. Of course, his 90 mph delivery, crap interviewing technique and forrays into television and his sycophantic slobbering around Bono through the nineties did his reputation no good but I think his contribution to music here is often overlooked.
Does anyone actually listen to his radio show any more? Has he been obsoleted by Tom Dunne?
9/24/2002 10:53 AM |
I listened to his show religiously in the late 80s when I was still in school and it was very important to me. Listened to it once in the last year and it was some sort of people-talking-bollocks type thing without any music.
I think Tom Dunne's show is mostly terrible, by the way.
space cheeks Basic Member Posts:129  
9/24/2002 11:54 AM |
no way tom dunne is gas always coming out with funny 1 liners way better than dave d***head fanning he thinks hes a mad rock n roller yeah right
9/24/2002 12:42 PM |
Tom Dunne is one of the most uninspiring DJ's I have ever heard. His range and taste in music is bland, bland, bland. And don't even mention that 'next big thing' band he used to/does sing for. God save us!!!
9/24/2002 1:21 PM |
I think it's Dave Fanning's charisma that turns people off more than anything else, sometimes he really rabbits on, using 100 words when 10 will do. I would agree that sometimes his interviews are very scattershot, especially the way he brings himself across, sometimes even confusing the person he's interviewing. But that's all part of his persona, we shouldn't dismiss the amount of work and exposure he's put into the music scene, even when indie/alternative was the most unpopular music on earth. He deserves credit for that.
And by the way,in response to an earlier comment in this thread, is there any DJ/music writer who doesn't slobber over Bono?
Vent My Spleen Advanced Member Posts:500  
9/24/2002 1:43 PM |
The Bono comment was related to the fawning interviews he user to do with them right through the eighties and early nineties. They were an excrutiating love in.
I must admit to being quite fond of Tom Dunne's show. Do people dislike his delivery or the music he plays?
John Doe Basic Member Posts:338  
9/26/2002 4:31 PM |
I also grew up on Fanning and I have to say his attitude never bothered me. In fact the very fact that he's so hyperactive and sloppy sometimes I always found refreshing - a welcome change to the usual bland, slick, Casey Casem wannabe DJ. I now listen to Tom Dunne exclusively though, can't handle Fanning's show being downgraded to only one hour a week AND with shit film reviews thrown in. I like Tom Dunne's selection of music although I do notice he's not as adventurous as Fanning.