1/8/2002 1:27 PM |
My favourite has to be Chippolato & Two Wilted Sultanas, a Scottish punk band. Oh yeah, and they're crap.
Beat that!
1/8/2002 1:35 PM |
There was a band called Free Beer who pulled a great crowd but what about the brilliant Freddy Foreskin and his Pullbacks!
1/8/2002 2:20 PM |
* Barney Rubble and the Cunt Stubble
* The Exploding Fuck Dolls
* The Do I look like I Give a Fucks
* Anal Beard Barbers
& the best wan
* The Shit
1/8/2002 2:24 PM |
I wasny aware that they * out the durdy/filthy words...I came across as messed up as the other dude who santerns on and on, anyways the name of the last band rhymed with 'The Hit' with an 's' on the front, now they were durdy...........
markyedison New Member Posts:83  
1/9/2002 4:17 AM |
How about Johnny & the Test Tube Babies? Always liked the name but never enough to buy the record.
Also like 'Bastard Sons of Boris Karloff.' A good irish band who do a killer version of 'Fulsom prison blues'.
'Clod-foot Inbreds' give a good treatment to the same song.
nerve not herve New Member Posts:1  
1/9/2002 10:23 AM |
What about that Metal tribute band - Jesus Is A C unt!
Brautigan New Member Posts:22  
1/9/2002 7:33 PM |
I was in a death metal band once called Calf Diarrhoea.
We had trouble getting anything recorded but we did finally get one three track EP down before we split up (only to reform a month later as Derek and The Dildos which later became the more manageable Yuthanazia).
A long lost death metal classic, it went by the title "Afterbirth Salad". God knows what the trackilisting was but you get the picture... we were young.
Jimmy Cake New Member Posts:14  
1/10/2002 5:31 PM |
Violent Onsen Geisha
Nurse With Wound
No Neck Blues Band
The Forever Bad Blues Band
Black Stage
You got Brains?
Jimmy Cake New Member Posts:14  
1/10/2002 5:48 PM |
And not forgetting....
Nihilist Spasm Band
Big Black
Dead Kennedys
...and it was Peter & the Test Tube Babies, not Johnny.
Dead Milkmen deserve a mention here too, if only because mention of P&TTTB has got me humming their smash hit, "Punk Rock Girl".
You got Brains?
semisleeping New Member Posts:2  
1/10/2002 9:18 PM |
There's some American band called "Semi- automatic Turban", that's pretty funky.
If man is five..if man is five....if man is five....then the devil is six....then the devil is six....then the devil is six...and if the devil is six then God is seven....god is seven.....this monkey's gone to heaven.
1/21/2002 2:15 AM |
Billy and the Bollox. (From The Commitments)
markyedison New Member Posts:83  
1/23/2002 12:21 AM |
joedolan talks of a band called 'bag o'mickies'. never heard of them myself but he's a reliable source.
Please, Mr. Edison, won't you invent a machine to stop these monsters?
crazyhorse New Member Posts:1  
3/13/2002 9:27 PM |
Pete O'Phelia and the Child Abusers - If they dont exist they should.
3/13/2002 9:34 PM |
how about this one - 'scrotum'
simple but offensive , i like it.
there really is a band called this.
john@soundweb.ie Basic Member Posts:201  
3/14/2002 3:32 PM |
"scraping foetus from the wheel"
yes, i am serious. uugh.
3/16/2002 2:08 PM |
always liked half man half biscuit, and their track 'all i want for christmas is a dukla prague away kit'
great band with great name: the trash can sinatras
3/26/2002 1:27 PM |
....The Voice of Cheese (Galway band from mid-nineties)
markyedison New Member Posts:83  
3/27/2002 6:16 AM |
Or Cheeses of Nazereth. ho ho ho!
Please, Mr. Edison, won't you invent a machine to stop these monsters?
4/5/2002 12:50 AM |
Hey...and the buttholes!!! bUttHoleSuRfeRs!!!
1 2 butt hole!
Shout out to mingforyang too! gods...
hello to all here aswell.
Brautigan New Member Posts:22  
4/24/2002 9:48 AM |
This link was robbed from boards.ie - there's some great band names in there. My favourite is 'Bladder in a Can" or maybe "Bathroom Tourism"? Anyway, loads to be had at: