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Last Post 7/12/2006 9:49 AM by  admin
The CLUAS guide to better writing
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7/12/2006 9:49 AM
    Having seen over the years a number of poorly written articles that were submitted to the site I always thought that a writing guide would be a valuable addition to CLUAS in order to guide writers (both new and existing) towards better written articles. Of course like the vast majority of ideas I come up with I did absolutely nothing about it and no such writing guide was ever added to the site. Until now that is. Yes, our man in Paris Aidan Curran has out together a writing guide tailored to the needs of CLUAS. Aidan has boiled it down to 8 simple rules that pave the way to writing a decent article. A lot of what he says is common-sense but whether one is a seasoned CLUAS hack or someone keen to submit their first ever article, you will find his guide a valuable resource (the principles in the guide are also universal and will apply equally as much for anything you have to write be it in college, the workplace, emails, on discussion boards, blogs, etc). Anyway, that's enough blather on it, check it out here: http://www.cluas.com/forms/writing-guidelines.htm (I've also made these guidelines very visible thought the submission process, making it clear that writers need to ensure their articles adhere to what is in the guidelines.) I have no doubt that there are many regulars here on the discussion board who have thought about writing for the site but who have not made the leap to submitting an article. Maybe now, thanks to the clear path outlined in Aidan's guidelines, more of you may get around to submitting an article and so join the comfortable cheery cocoon that is the CLUAS family of writers. eoghan
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