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Last Post 5/22/2005 4:23 PM by  Una
Clear Channel Makes Me Cry
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Veteran Member
Veteran Member

5/22/2005 4:23 PM
    just had to get that out
    Advanced Member
    Advanced Member

    5/22/2005 4:30 PM
    whats clear channel, and is it anything to do with this? http://www.clearchannelsucks.org/ (thats what i got from a google, didnt bother reading it... yet)
    Veteran Member
    Veteran Member

    5/22/2005 5:02 PM
    clear channel own practically ALL radio stations, venues etc in the US. They own a stake in Billboard, MCD, Mean Fiddler, half of Glasto, U2's tour and are determined to influence and ruin our choices. It's a disgusting music monopoly. They boycott artists at their whim, completely erasing all airplay. Fervent Bush supporters, they erect random billboards propaganda-style across america with OUR LEADER and a piccie of Bush on them. MORE: Clear Channel owns over 1,200 radio stations and 37 television stations, with investments in 240 radio stations globally, and Clear Channel Entertainment (aka SFX, one of their more well-known subsidiaries) owns and operates over 200 venues nationwide. They are in 248 of the top 250 radio markets, controlling 60% of all rock programming. They outright own the tours of musicians like Janet Jackson, Aerosmith, Pearl Jam, Madonna and N'Sync. They own the network which airs Rush Limbaugh, Dr. Laura, Casey Kasem, and the Fox Sports Radio Network. With 103,000,000 listeners in the U.S. and 1,000,000,000 globally (1/6 of the world population), this powerful company has grown unchecked, using their monopoly to control the entire music industry. If you find this alarming, ClearChannelSucks.org is the place for you.
    Veteran Member
    Veteran Member

    5/22/2005 6:27 PM
    And they are coming to Ireland!!!! They already own Adshel (the posters on the bus-stops) and are just about to buy up a huge chunk of The Point and other venues in Ireland. Then once they become settled, you never know what they might buy next (all the smaller venues, radio stations, magazines). They've also infamously banned 'Imagine' by John Lennon on their airwaves.
    Veteran Member
    Veteran Member

    5/22/2005 6:46 PM
    I think they already own The Point, and they own MCD anyway coz of the Mean Fiddler connection.
    Advanced Member
    Advanced Member

    5/22/2005 6:52 PM
    why the f**k did they ban imagine? I know I get kinda sick of hearing it all the time, but come on! That said though, they are only one of a number of huge evil corporations, like look at Nestle, pretty much any Oil Company, or Rupert Murdoch, the scary thing is they have the ability, (or are coming close to it) for complete censorship/propaganda. If they control the media, it's very hard to get accurate, unbiased news, as an example look at the coverage Galloway got on Fox.
    Veteran Member
    Veteran Member

    5/22/2005 6:54 PM
    they banned Imagine and a s**t load of other songs from the radion directly after 9/11. I'm just mentioning Clear Channel as big and evil because they're music related. I'm well aware that the rest of the world sucks too
    Advanced Member
    Advanced Member

    5/22/2005 6:57 PM
    aye, nothing Osama and the lads like to get themselves riled up before a wee suicide attack then a bit of Imagine. I hope they banned mellow yellow too!
    Advanced Member
    Advanced Member

    5/22/2005 6:59 PM
    must read up on this, its very interesting. The thing I dont like is how goddam BIG they are, its almost impossible to fight the buggers. I mean independent radio can only really go so far, and most venues have deals with say ticket master, so you cant boycott them, and these chappys own the venues anyway so theres nowhere decent to play...
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