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Last Post 9/19/2004 12:32 AM by  Tombo
Gig prices.
 12 Replies
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New Member
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9/19/2004 12:32 AM
    I noticed lately that there are huge anomalies in gig admission prices around Dublin. One night you could pay 5 smacks to go see a couple of unheard of bands and the next night you could end up paying a tenner for the same thing. What do you people think is a reasonable price to pay to see local talent? Who is getting the money? Is it venues or bands? If it's the bands then that's not so bad. In my opinion, irrespecive of venue, if you are going to see 3 unknown bands 7 euro should be the maximum cover charge. With a student discount bringing it down to 5. Just curious to see am I being a skinflit here or do other people feel the same? I go to a lot of gigs, (and I mean a LOT) and my pocket is empty too often these days.
    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    9/19/2004 2:50 AM
    check out this one its free!! http://www.thenoiseparty.net
    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    9/20/2004 10:47 AM
    5 is plenty to be paying, the price of a pint you know. Thats one less pint on a night. Ten is a bit excessive unless you are well known and established.
    New Member
    New Member

    9/20/2004 11:00 AM
    I think €7 or €8 is enough to pay. The problem is that the severe lack of places to book in Dublin that are reasonlably priced. Whelans €450-€500 if you can get it. The Hub is the most reasonable priced. There are no small venues like the Attic, Fox and Pheasant any more. It is stressful enough for bands to organise a gig without worrying about losing alot of money as well. For all the bands that are in Dublin not many people go to gigs on a regular basis. Has anyone suggestions for small venues to play music in apart from JJ Smyths and Conways.
    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    9/20/2004 11:36 AM
    slatterys on capel st. in Dublin is good but the organisation of gigs is a bit chaotic, to say the least. nice venue though, just being run in a haphazard manner. lay out and design is very good though. it used to be a strip joint/brothel. apparently. can i be sued for all this?
    New Member
    New Member

    9/20/2004 11:40 AM
    Is slattery's expensive, and how many people does it hold?
    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    9/20/2004 12:37 PM
    RE Slatterys Capel St. Someone told me in a bar once "write insults in dust and compliments in stone". I think I'll leave it at that, you can judge.
    Advanced Member
    Advanced Member

    9/20/2004 2:55 PM
    if you want a reasonably priced gig come along to the Electric Cool Aid Test this sunday (26th) in the Sugar Club, its 6 euro in, or 5 with a flyer. There should be about 50 flyers left at the door on the night, theres a thread in the gigs section
    New Member
    New Member

    9/20/2004 7:59 PM
    Ah so it depends on the price of the venue? Is the system where a band is paid a set fee to play in a venue finished in Dublin? Around the country I think it is still pretty common. Bands paid by venue then venue take door (or if it is a pub they just take the extra custom and charge nothing at the door).
    New Member
    New Member

    9/20/2004 11:24 PM
    trad musicians are really the only people that get payed by pubs/venues to play as they pull in the punters and the tourists.
    New Member
    New Member

    9/22/2004 12:00 PM
    This is a shameless plug, but as it touches on two of the points raised I think I may just be excused... Seratone are playing Slattery's on the 29th of September and it's FREE in.
    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    9/22/2004 3:46 PM
    the promoter chooses the price on the door. the band is unsigned and without a manager it'll probably be them running the gig, unless its a pay-to-play like in slatterys. i always thought £5 was reasonable, thats about €6.50, so anything from €5-7 is reasonable. anything more better have a better line-up!
    New Member
    New Member

    9/22/2004 5:42 PM
    €5 is very reasonable considering the price of intoxicating liquor these days. Anything up to €8 is ok provided there's 3 or 4 bands on the bill. I'd go as high as €10 if ther's a free CD involved (I'm a sucker for free CDs, except those in the papers). As for Slattery's - I've played ther a few times and it's not too bad condidering the venue size. BEst advice is to check out a gig there before you play - that way everybody wins.
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