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Last Post 8/4/2004 9:35 PM by  Rev Jules
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Rev Jules
Veteran Member
Veteran Member

8/4/2004 9:35 PM
    Jaysus, Football on a music site. We must all be turning into BLUR !!! Nah, only kidding, great idea Gar. Which leads me to the following free game http://fantasyfilmleague.com You play the part of a film producer. You have a budget of $70m. With this you must buy six actors and one director for your fantasy film. Once you have finalised your cast list and given your film a name, it will be entered into the next season. A new season starts every 3 months and lasts for a whole year. Whenever one of your cast appears in a real film your fantasy film makes (virtual) money. The longer the real film stays in the box office, the more money your star will earn for your fantasy film. A season is won by the producer with the fantasy film that has made the most money at the end of that season. You can enter a different fantasy film into each new season. Have you got what it take to be the next Michael Eisner ?
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