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Last Post 2/20/2004 3:30 PM by  warnerst
Warner records seeks new street team recruits
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New Member
New Member

2/20/2004 3:30 PM
    Warner Records Street Team looking to recruit new music enthusiasts. For your work online and/or street level work we reward generously with gig tickets, cd’s, merch…etc. A non-exhaustive list of bands on Warner labels: Funeral for a Friend * The Darkness * Von Bondies * Red Hot Chili Peppers * REM * Ordinary Boys * Distillers * Flaming Lips * Rancid * Linkin Park * Damien Rice * Deftones * Longview * Muse * Hot Hot Heat To apply email Street.Team@warnermusic.com with “application” in the subject line
    Veteran Member
    Veteran Member

    2/20/2004 3:36 PM
    Viral marketing doesn't work, pass it on
    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    2/20/2004 3:38 PM
    Eh? Viral marketing? What do you mean by that Binokular? Q2
    Veteran Member
    Veteran Member

    2/20/2004 4:00 PM
    It's one of those annoying corporate buzzwords. Viral marketing is basically promoting something by word of mouth. You're far more likely to pay attention to something that comes from a friend or someone you know than large scale advertising. The way it works is a company sends a freebie or something of interest to a select group of people in the hopes that they will promote it by telling their friends about it. The most common example is getting a funny picture or video in your email that subtly promotes a product, generally when people find something funny they forward it to their friend, who pass it on to their friends etc. A very cheap and effective method of advertising. Street teams are a similar idea, rather than doing all the promotion yourself. you get a small group of people to promotion for you at ground level, they create a local "buzz" and people tell other people etc. Hey, I could be good at this marketing racket.. er, I mean profession. Any chance of a nice job and lovely big fat wads of cash, nice Mr. Warner Music person? awww please..
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