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Last Post 5/14/2003 6:59 PM by  ndoherty
hopeful musician search ..
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5/14/2003 6:59 PM
    ..recording in Galway this summer (of the “home” variety.) In no order of favouritsm, the music I love: Grandaddy, Fugazi, REM, Velvet Underground, Pixies, Beach Boys, Low, Beck……. It’s all good… It should be fun… So basically I’m looking for musicians who: like instrumental based music and have the ability to LISTEN, are creatively inventive, have respect for themselves and others and have a generally “ok” outlook on life :) …… Also if there must be anger, then at least let it be utilised through music and not taken out on innocent people…….jeezz I’m not asking for much am I ??!! (ah well, isn’t it worth a try..?) Please contact: post_instrumentalism@yahoo.co.uk (Oh yeah, and no drugs)
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