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Last Post 9/16/2002 12:50 PM by  baba
Bubblegum Film
 1 Replies
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New Member
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9/16/2002 12:50 PM
    Why is it that this site does not review albums or gigs from Westlife, Hearsay and the rest of the Britney brigade but will review movies like Men in Black? Why does musical pish get slammed but cinema pish gets away lightly? It's not a tumor
    Vent My Spleen
    Advanced Member
    Advanced Member

    9/16/2002 1:40 PM
    I'd imagine it is more to do with the medium than the choice. I routinely go to poor films as it is usually in company and I do not have a choice. Therefore, I see far more bad films than I listen to bad albums. I suppose I am also far more tolerant of pish cinema than music. If I go to the cinema, I seldom want more than to be entertained for 90 minutes - equally, I'd generally avoid anything too heavy, so I'll take say, Minority Report over AI. Music takes far more time and effort to analyse. As to why the films do not get slammed is down to the personal choice of the reviewer. If you like your film reviews with a slice of humour but generally bang on the money, check out the Filthy Critic (http://bigempire.com/filthy/). Other than that, feel free to submit a damning review!
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