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Last Post 8/27/2002 9:09 AM by  Vent My Spleen
Stop Press: Band not in comercial sellout shocker
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Vent My Spleen
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Advanced Member

8/27/2002 9:09 AM
    Who'd have thunk it!? Coldplay have refused to allow their music to be used commercially which considering their current success in America could cost them up to 85 million dollars (NME's figures, sounds exagerated). Given the level of corporate whoring (Moby in particular) going on in the music industry at the moment (it's almost chic to do a Gap add) it's good to see a band actually taking a stand, especially given that they get so much stick for being middle class, boring uni types. Of course, their stand will never be as majestic as The Beta Band who turned down 60 grand sterling for use of one of their songs whilst being completely broke.
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