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Last Post 1/18/2007 6:16 AM by  Peejay
New Music Mag
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1/3/2007 6:53 AM
    Just bought a new music magazine in Easons.

    Its called Play Music ( Get Involved )
    Its issue 3 at this stage. Seems pretty decent, free cd on the cover.
    Worked out at €6.68 which was a tad expensive considering the UK price is only £3.50

    Anyway, along with the usual gig reviews, and album reviews, there is an emphasis on new unsigned bands such that half the tracks on the give away cd are unsigned bands.

    Anyway, ive yet to give it a full read, so ill report back when I have.

    Anyone else seen it
    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    1/3/2007 2:02 PM
    I generally don't like monthly music mags cos they're too dear.

    i would prefer a decent weekly one that i can pick up if something interests me in it. For example there looks to be an excellent feature on Ian Curtis/JD in MOjo this month, however its price of 7.50 makes me wonder whether itd really be worth buying

    I don't really know the relevance but there you go.

    Also we're being shafted with the £ to € those mags use.

    Final thing, who needs magazines when you've got Planet Sound on Channel 4 teletext for free every day
    Advanced Member
    Advanced Member

    1/4/2007 7:09 AM
    I had a flick through it in my local English-language newsagent here in Paris - it looks a bit flashy but I might chance it for the free CD - any feedback on the tunes, Kloot?

    However, it's only €4.50 here in France!!! You're being ripped off in Eire!! (That reminds me why I moved here, apart from the art, lifestyle and ferociously good-looking women).
    Advanced Member
    Advanced Member

    1/4/2007 7:53 AM
    Havent had a chance to listen to it yet, plan to give it a spin this afternoon.
    Having read it a bit at this stage, it is very flashy. A lot of gig reviews and album reviews. More to follow

    4.50... wow, that is cheap.
    Advanced Member
    Advanced Member

    1/17/2007 3:36 AM
    Posted By Garret on 03 Jan 2007 2:02 PM
    Final thing, who needs magazines when you've got Planet Sound on Channel 4 teletext for free every day

    True, but not much used to you on a bus/train ...
    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    1/18/2007 6:16 AM
    Its amazing that these magazines are still sticking free CD's to the cover. That's one of the reasons why the import charge is so high. It would make more sense to host these songs on their website and put a voucher or something in the mag to download them. Im sick of having to scrape that crappy glue off Mojo.
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