The CLUAS Archive: 1998 - 2011


Ireland doesn’t feature very often on the news here in France. When it does, it’s generally for the bad things. Your average Jacques le Frenchman knows three things about Ireland 2008-09:

 - We’re bankrupt

 - We Said No To Europe

 - Our rashers are poisoned

The Mighty StefTo counteract all that bad PR, it would take someone superhuman. But we’ll settle for mighty.

And so The Mighty Stef (right) is the first Irish act to visit France in 2009. The cult Dublin singer-songer is playing in Paris tonight (21 January).

The show at a venue called L'Alimentation Générale, which is how a Frenchperson would describe the stock of a local grocery. We haven't been there yet, so we can't enlighten you as to whether they also sell breakfast rolls and milk and the like. (No Irish rashers, that's for certain.)

Stef was in Paris not so long ago, playing on a converted Irish lightship called the Batofar that's docked Seine-side. The Batofar has recently been the scene of repeated public order disturbances and police visits. No connection implied between those two sentences, of course.

Anyway, more Stef info and tunes on his MySpace page. Here's the video for 'Death Threats':


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2008 - A comprehensive guide to recording an album, written by Andy Knightly (the guide is spread over 4 parts).