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Last Post 9/6/2006 12:22 PM by  Una
The Frames - 'The Cost'
 21 Replies
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Basic Member
Basic Member

9/18/2006 3:14 PM
are you sure, dera?..... well i never - i was convinced that i'd heard the song without any vocals at the beginning.... either way, i agree - the chorus is the bit that completely breaks the tension
New Member
New Member

10/1/2006 9:38 PM
In a years time very few people will remember this album. As a Frames fan I was disappointed with Burn the Maps. It started out with great promise with "Happy" and "Finally" and pretty quickly went nowhere...fizzled out.damp and uninteresting. The new one, after first listen yesterday, sounds the same. It just goes nowhere. Doesn't capture anything in particular. The songwriting is quite average in fairness. If you listen to Glens solo album he is really onto something there. Those songs have a a magical quality and the album feels like it has a beginning a middle and an end. It just reaches what it sets out to achieve. The new frames album doesn't have that quality in its own right. It sounds uncertain, all over the place, bit of this bit of that...I can't understand the use of two tracks from the solo album on the new frames album....and that is possibly a telling sign that Glen is not quite sure about musical direction re the frames or is not quite as ambitious about it as before. 'For the birds' was a bold album. Not only was it well written, it took risks and it fitted together so well. I bought it on vinyl recently and will be playing it in 20 yrs time no doubt. I really think the frames have waned on album since then. The live show is carrying their momentum big time...and deservedly so, they are unbeatable live...imagine scoring the frames against, for example, 'world beaters'..the killers..for live performance..the frames would leave them and their like for dust. But on record, the frames are waning and its down to uncertainty of purpose and direction. Purely my opinion: agree? disagree?
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