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Last Post 3/1/2010 5:58 AM by  DOLITTLE PRESENTS
The Jimmy Cake
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3/1/2010 5:58 AM

    www.whelanslive.com presents


    plus special guests Sea Dog & Patrick Kelleher 


    Saturday 20th March, 7:30pm

    Whelan’s, 25 Wexford St, Dublin 2

    Tickets €12 (ex booking fee) available from www.tickets.ie, Ticketmaster outlets nationwide, WaV Tickets [lo-call 1890 200 078], City Discs and Road Records.


    Whelanslive.com are proud to celebrate 10 years of instrumental rock gurus THE JIMMY CAKE on Saturday 20th March. Currently in preparation for a new album due this summer they play home from home Whelan’s of Wexford Street where the new material will get another airing before finally being committed to disk. Tickets are €12 (ex booking fee) available from tickets.ie, Ticketmaster & WAV [lo-call 1890 200 078].


    Formed in 2000 from the simmering ashes of the recently defunct Das Madman, the Jimmy Cake were only initially to play a one off show in Eamonn Dorans. But people kept coming, and the music kept getting louder.


    Following on from 2008s critically acclaimed Spectre and Crown, The Jimmy Cake have a new set and a new sound. Reduced from a cast of hundreds to a slimmed down six piece, we find the Jimmy Cake’s music equally stripped back: where once there were strings, accordion and tubas there is now the esoteric appeal of the vintage synths and tightly coiled, pounding rhythms. Guitars are back, and they mean to do some business. Headlifting, powerful, hypnotic, the Jimmy Cake have embraced change once more, and, it’s with this feckless bravado in mind that they embark on their latest adventure. In 2009 they have played to a full Meeting House Sq at the DEAF fundraiser and on the Crosby Stage at Electric Picnic. Expect a new album this summer.


    The Jimmy Cake are:

    Lisa Carey, Dip, Parx, Vincent Dermody, John Dermody, Patrick Kelleher and Paul G. Smyth





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