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Last Post 11/19/2009 6:44 AM by  primitive
Sat Dec 5th - Retro Revival Club w/ THE REVELLIONS + THE PACIFICS + THE PULPIT €3
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11/19/2009 6:44 AM
    Sat Dec 5th Retro Revival Club @ Shebeen Chic Dublin THE REVELLIONS & THE PACIFICS (Debut Show) + THE PULPIT & Dee Jay Kev (Recession Club). 9.00pm til Close. ADM: €3

    THE REVELLIONS: The Revellions make a racket - sure nuff. It's all 100mph, face stretchin', howlin' rock 'n' roll. They've made a record that has song titles like 'Ain't No Fool', 'Telling Lies' and 'Down On Your Luck'... like any good garage band, they've been shat on, spat at, rejected by a gal and generally become disaffected by the entire world, channelled through fuzz geetar and call and response vox. See, 99% of garage bands can be easily categorised into one of three slots. You've got the big percentage of dross and the rest is pretty evenly split between wantin' to sound like The Seeds or soundin' like The Mummies. That 1%? They're usually unclassifiable and really special. The Revellions have definitely been taking notes from The Seeds... there's no question of that... as well as taking that darkly comic minor key thing that The Cramps had. Piano wire tense and kinda fucked up.

    "They combine the gut wrenchingly raw sound of a garage band in heat with a smooth heroin surf atmosphere" Mojo

    "The Revellions are actually a bit of a revelation.While we've all heard the three chord buzzsaw riffs and swirling organs before, the band achieves the unthinkable by making it all seem fresh and new" Hot Press

    "This abrasive and primitive collection of raw punk rifferama and wild organ playing is a highly promising debut that knows it's strengths and doesn't outstay it's welcome" The Irish Daily Star


    THE PACIFICS: Retro Revival club is proud to have the debut performance from Nick Wrays new 6Ts Rhythm & Beat combo “The Pacifics”. A hybrid of The Mighty Atomics & The Bloody Shanks they play rock’n’roll of the 6Ts british beat variety via The Beatles Hamburg recordings.


    THE PULPIT: Garage/Surf 3 piece from Dublin


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