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Last Post 5/19/2008 1:29 PM by  Iambeave
Musical Mystery Tour in Carlow - Did anyone else go to it?
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5/19/2008 1:29 PM
    I was at a rave that had so much potential the other night: a huge warehouse, funky little marquee, and no cops.

    But where were the people?

    We were told to keep it hush hush - but when that means that you have an empty warehouse with about forty people dancing, then what's it all for? Apparantly PLUG (the organisers) had a license for 1000 people. I think there were about 300 people there.

    What did everyone think of it, if anyone went? I'd a great night dancing, but like me, most of the people I met were in some way connected to the acts, the promotions, or the organising of the event. A bit poo really.
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