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Last Post 10/6/2007 9:38 AM by  Karmafan
Patronage for musicians
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10/6/2007 9:38 AM
    karmafan.com is a new site to help artists gather voluntary payments - patronage - from their fans. We're based in Dublin and we don't take a cut - just make it easy for you to let your fans support you. Some of the features are:

    1) a widget you can put on your MySpace page or website to collect small amounts whenever a fan feels like giving you some support without leaving your page. It also shows the names of the fans who have supported you - instant feedback which is a great incentive for fans to give something back.

    2) fans get a badge they can embed in their MySpace page, forum posts or Facebook profile showing who they have supported. This way they not only support you but they spread the word and you get more fans.

    3) your fans can make payments to you using a number of channels - PayPal, credit card, Google Checkout - even mobile phones! Your fans can show their support by sending a single text message which transfers money to your Karmafan account.

    Check us out and let us know what you think.

    The Karmafan Team

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