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Last Post 2/20/2007 5:11 AM by  TestYourFightingSkills!!
Drummer wanted
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2/20/2007 5:11 AM

    As the message subject says The Invisible Republic are looking for a drummer. We're an original band who would like to create new, meaningful music. Influences include the Libertines, Bloc Party, John Frusciante, the Little Ones, DCFC, Weezer, Velvet Underground, Radiohead, Neutral Milk Hotel, John Frusciante, Blur, the Shins, Stone Roses.....the list is nigh on endless.

    Anyhow, we're planning on recording a demo at the very beginning of summer and then to start playing gigs thereafter. The band is nearly complete with a singer, 2 guitarists and a bassist. All we need now is a enthusiastic, ambitious drummer to complete the group.

    So if you're interested please let me know.
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