CLUAS - Irish indie music webzine
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The CLUAS Archive: 1998 - 2011

The CLUAS archives

Search the entire CLUAS archives below...

Can't find what you are looking for? Or you want to find CLUAS articles on a certain band? Well then the search facility below, which searches all content on CLUAS going back to 1999 when CLUAS was first launched, might be of use.

Note: This engine searches well over 99.5% of the content on CLUAS, however what probably won't appear in the search results is stuff published in the last 1 or 2 days. This is not a problem as the most recent additions to the website are clearly visible on the CLUAS home page. And what's more, you can also search ALL the content of the CLUAS music discussion board (including up-to-the-second discussion board activity) using this alternative search facility for the Discussion Board.