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Last Post 12/4/2003 1:45 PM by  Q2
Bless you Cluas writers (& the Dylan Gig)
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12/4/2003 1:45 PM
    Howdy all, This is inspired by the Bob Dylan thread, and after reading Brian Farrelly’s Dylan article on cluas, I took the initative to read Eugene Moloney’s version of events in the independent. Some interesting quotes: EM: “a voice that has grown from its one-time, youthful, nasal twang into something approaching a rich, life-filled growl.” BF: “Bob's vocals are the most raspy, guttural whine I have ever heard.” EM: “But it was the voice that gripped from the outset.” “each telling phrase ringing out in the clearest voice Dylan has performed with for quite a while.” BF: “but this was so bad it sounded like it was coming through a voice box.” EM: “This was magnificent, brooding, majestic Dylan” BF: “Bob's next outing in Cork has been cancelled due to severe bout of viral laryngitis” “Of course, I am also as mad as a bag of otters with the promoters; there is no way he should have performed and I should have been spared my 50 lids for a clearly sub standard show” Viral Laryngitis indeed, all is explained. Fair play to Brian Farrelly is all I can say. Like most of the Cluas stuff I’ve read, his review is truthful, informative and down to earth. If Millstreet wasn’t cancelled and Corkonians were to believe Moloney’s tripe, they would have been misled into a “sub standard show” too. Is that fair, I ask? Eugene Moloney should take a leaf out Farrelly’s book and tell it like it is, instead of kissing the ass of Bob Dylan simply because he’s an icon. Q2
