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Last Post 4/9/2003 5:31 PM by  singy
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4/9/2003 5:31 PM
    Just a note about a SINGLETON gig coming up. It's in Da2, Wexford Street, Dublin 2 on 29 April, and all proceeds are going the Red Cross Iraq Appeal (please see below for the official blurb). If anyone can help out with the promotion of this gig that would be great - please email info@singletonmusic.com with your suggestions. Try to make it along if at all possible...hear some music, help victims of war. S> www.singletonmusic.com *** BENEFIT GIG IN DA2 IN AID OF RED CROSS Dublin songwriter Singleton will be performing a special gig in aid of the Red Cross in DA2, Wexford Street, Dublin 2 on 29 April at 8.30pm. Proceeds will be donated to their Iraq Appeal: a fundraising drive to help improve conditions for those affected by the current war in Iraq. Since the conflict began the Red Cross has enabled hospitals to stay open by providing them with emergency supplies of medical equipment, has provided clean drinking water to Iraqi citizens and monitored the situation concerning prisoners of war to ensure that they are treated in accordance with the Geneva Convention. Funds are urgently required to aid this ongoing work, and it is hoped that the gig will help raise awareness of the Iraq Appeal and provide it with some much needed money. The gig will be a largely acoustic affair, featuring Singleton performing stripped-down versions of his songs accompanied by bass and trumpet. Singleton's music is influenced by the Beatles, Pink Floyd and David Bowie; he has been described as "certainly one to watch out for" by Iris magazine; his gigs are "fresh and exciting, guaranteed to send you home with a song in your head" according to the Dublin Daily newspaper and Hotpress described his music as "catchy tunes and dirty beats". Admission to the gig is 10 Euro (students are admitted for 5 Euro upon presentation of student i.d.). You can find out more about the Irish Red Cross by visiting their website, www.redcross.ie - or see www.singletonmusic.com for more information about Singleton and the gig.
    New Member
    New Member

    4/11/2003 9:43 PM
    By the way if anyone wants to buy tickets in advance (or help sell them!) please email info@singletonmusic.com
